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NOOOOO on the human being penetrated and your probably bored because there is no variety. No difference if its male or female, the positions are always the same. Maybe if they add different positions, sexual acts, maybe they can have it so you can choose to be submissive or dominant. Your bored because its repetitive and theres no difference. (Not saying the game is bad because its very good just being honest)
The games pretty good but I had to stop playing because of Asuka. She is completely insufferable. Disappointing how Powers route ends if you don't want to degrade yourself into be a henchman just for some pussy. All the other characters are very enjoyable though. The story is very intriguing, keep up the great work.
The game was pretty good, not a fan of femdom at all it isn't my cup of tea so I ended up stopping Brigs storyline when Charlotte said I needed to beg. Sombras I was a bit unfomortable with at first again femdom aint my thing but I stuck through it and I'm glad I did. I hope Mothra acts like that during sex as well as the scene that was hot. Andre was a great character and I cant wait to see more of her. Julian and Default the goats of course. Maybe in future updates we can get content with Zarya, Ana, Pharah and other new characters from Overwatch 2 like Kiriko, Junker Queen and Soujourn. Or others not in the game like Ashe and Moira (besides that picture). I'll be looking for future updates. Great work.
Seriously I don't know if this game was designed to piss people off cause it sure as hell pissed me off. Not only are ALL the women complete bitches the main character is JUST A COMPLETE BITCH and practically lets them do whatever they want. The first scene at the coffee shop, Maeve, the green haired chick. You say he is gonna have a harem yet he is a complete and utter bitch. I'm finna keep playing this game only because of the slave option I need to put these bitches in they place.
I had so many questions about the Chapter 4 Ending, I couldn't seem to understand what happened. So I went back to replay it and analyzed it and carefully read it. Here is what I THINK happened. Spoiler Warning:
Amelia saw him pinned to the wall and she points her gun at us. I get distracted and he stabs me she says "big brother" I think that Tim is Amelia's brother and she also says "I can't let you do this" I think after we got stabbed Amelia shot Tim. (I went on the date with Amelia and kissed her going for that harem) ;) Anyways that's what I THINK happened. I would like to know if this is true or not but that's what I took away from the ending. Also when she fires the gun you can hear a faint sound of impact of the entering a body. You can hear a sound of blood splashing. Also loving the game it's definitely one of my favorite visual novels on this website. Keep up the great work I'm loving this game so far and I can't wait for the chapters to cum. ;) I also can't wait to knock them all up and have shit tons of kids. ;)