I can't download it,it says "forbidden"
what's new?
hi Mofu it's me again so I have another suggestion what if theres an armor and accessory shop.
lemme know whatchu think
yayyyy tysm!!馃槝
when's the spider girl going to be added?
Can I name her?馃ス馃檹(I would really love it to be named Misty.)
wouldn't it be nice if there's an octopus girl under the water where there will be a passage to the lair and you need to defeat her in order to unlock the cg(just a suggestion)
that's really unfortunate the mushroom enemy scene was really good
where to get mask?
thanks for doing your best mofu the artstyle is so good and I hope the updates won't take too long
I think there was a bug back then when you come back after you defeated the mushroom enemy it replays the scene and you have to fight it again
I assume the other mushroom enemy got removed?why? wasn't it with a cow or something?
I love the artstyle
did the other mushroom boss got deleted?
can't wait!!
when's the next update?(can't wait btw it's a really good game!)