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A member registered Nov 06, 2018

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Friend request sent, name is the same as here :)

Ah sorry for the delay, today was a busy day for me and just got home. :) 

That's hands down amazing! Would you be opposed with trying to send the files through private channels like email or the like if there's no way to put it here? Either way this is excellent!

You mean as a way to have it permanent and reflected in cutout and scenes etc or just unlocking it? 

Oh thank you, good to know, Fairly straightforward, though as said I am willing to pay to have it done and new cutout/sex scene art to have the size reflected in them. :)

Thanks again!

Is it possible I could commission you to somehow make hyper tits permanent for Sasha and not go away after birth? I'll even commission/pay all of her sex scene cut ins to reflect the increased size as well. If not no worries, greatly enjoying the game. :)