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A member registered Jul 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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No tengo una estimación, trabajaré en la herramienta de traducción después de haber lanzado la versión 0.3. Así que probablemente las traducciones estarán en la versión 0.3.1+.

Sí, el juego tendrá soporte para el idioma español, pero será una traducción realizada por máquina/IA.

Thank you very much, happy to hear! =D

Thank you very much and you're welcome :) Glad you're are interested in my development updates! Will do, hope you do as well!

PS: Very nice indeed! :D

有中文语言包可以在Itch.io下载,里面附有 readme.txt,包含安装说明!

Thank you very much, happy to hear! :)

Большое спасибо, рад, что вам нравится! Я в курсе ошибки с календарем, и она будет исправлена в версии 0.3! Также в одном из будущих обновлений добавлю некоторые языки с ИИ/машинным переводом.

Hey there, I'll add it to the list! :)

[censored] is indeed very naughty, I don't know what came over me when I added it :D

Thank you, I try :D But I really want to push this release out, it's been long enough.

Thank you very much! :D Happy to hear, if you don't format your pc or phone, the save files shouldn't be deleted and if you download a new version will be possible to load a save like it was from Chapter 1 to 2.

Thank you very much! :) Working on it!

Thank you, likewise! :)

Thank you very much, happy to hear! =D

Unfortunately, it's still undecided and not yet foreseeable. I'm currently working on the last scene, as mentioned in the dev log, and I still have several to-dos to complete.

(1 edit)

That sounds awesome, thank you very much! I would advice to wait for 0.3 and for the default translated templates, so it gets easier to just change words here and there, but I'd gladly accept your offer! :) And yes, English is the default, so it's basically always English -> Another language.

Thank you, happy to hear! It's cooking!, just a tiny bit more time needed.

Hey! I assume it's somewhere around 1 to 3 hours, depending on your reading speed and enjoyment factor. :D

Happy to have you back and thank you very much! :D There haven't been any major updates, the next update is around the corner though. I just tend to need time to craft something that'll look satisfying in my eyes.

Happy to hear and thank you as always <3! :D

𓂋𓅓𓏏𓊪𓂋 𓆓𓂋𓂤! (Not joking, that'd might even be possible to a certain degree, tested it out of curiosity xD)

Thank you! Looking forward to get your feedback :)

Don't worry, there are no silly questions. I assume you're talking about the phones characters app? Your mouse cursor needs to be inside the characters area to scroll down. You also can scroll by dragging the characters up- or downwards, you also have a visual indication when you drag the screen (you can see it in the screenshot). :) Hope this helps!



Thank you! You too =D

Soon-ish. It's just a bunch of animations, polishing and minor things! :D

是的,这是正确的路径,你需要解压 .zip 文件的内容到里面。这样它应该看起来像这样:'Android/data/com。dbpanda.betweenhumanity/files/game/tl/chinese'

你需要在手机上安装一个可以浏览文件系统的应用程序,不确定现在大多数手机是否默认提供。然后,你需要导航到 "Android/data/com.dbpanda.betweenhumanity/files/game/tl"(如果 "/game/tl" 文件夹不存在,请自行创建),并将 .zip 文件解压到该目录内。

在 0.3 版本发布后,我会尝试将语言直接包含在主游戏中

Thank you very much, happy to hear! =D

Yes thank you, hope you had a great one as well! Currently finishing some of the best parts of the update, it'll worth it, trust me! :D

I'm looking forward to get everyone's feedback :D! Have a good one as well!

Thank you, likewise! :)

Thank you very much!

Hey there, glad you like it! :D And thank you for the report! I'm aware of the calendar app crash, it's because I added the dates for every year manually and haven't added anything for 2025 (in-game 2030) yet. This won't be an issue in any upcoming versions and it'll be fixed for 0.3. :)

Thank you very much checking them out and I'm happy that you like the game! Will do, take care of you as well! :))


You're welcome! Thanks for reading and following the development =D

Thank you very much, happy to hear! :D

Love that smiley 🤪

If you're on pc it should work just fine. Enjoy the game! :)