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A member registered Jul 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey there, thanks for the detailed review and glad that you like it! :)

Unfortunately most people just leave a bad review without pointing any flaws out so I'm glad for every review that points me towards some things which aren't perfect/good.

The dialogue instances are things that are easily fixable, if I'm being aware of it, so thanks for pointing them out and I'll have a look at them! Sometimes they're just overread by myself and every proofreader and slip through into the release build, can't do much about it.

I initially wanted to go with a school approach until some people mentioned it's not something that is a common thing to call an educational institution "school" for over 18 y/o people, so hence why it's more likely to be called college in 0.2+. Also keep in mind that it isn't a perfectly US setting here, rather a fictional world with some fictional settings. (I doubt that we'll have developed advanced sex bots in 5 years from now on).

It's mostly me who is working on it (beside proofreader/testers/etc.), so thanks! =)

Yes, you did and thanks for that, but there is not much I can do about it unfortunately, as it works fine through the website, seems to be an error on itch side.

Thank you! :)

Thank you! More will come!

Thank you very much! =)

You're welcome. There will be more of it in the future! :)

Yes, the folder structure inside the zip file indicates where it needs to be placed :)

Thank you very much!

Thanks! Currently Alice is planned as side char in the harem.

Thank you very much, happy that you enjoyed it! 

0.2 took quite some time why I wanted to split 0.3 in two parts so I can deliver an update every 3-4 month.

Thank you very much! :)

Yo the need to extract the walkthrough mod into the main folder. That's about it, nothing more needed.

Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed the current content. Even fails can lead to pleasant surprises. :)

Hey there! That's odd, every save I tested from the end of 0.1.5 runs perfectly fine. When exactly did you save? Better yet, can you provide the save game over on discord?

Hey there, thanks for the report! It's already been fixed and I'm preparing a 0.2.1 version with small bugfixes, typos and translation fixes, will probably be released tomorrow. Nothing to worry about you can just ignore the error, there is no penalty for ignoring it!

Thank you very much! =)

Thank you! :)

Happy to hear, thank you very much!

Thanks! I wouldn't compare my game with them because they have been there for years, my game is pretty new, but appreciate it nonetheless! 

Hehe, sorry not sorry :D

Thanks man, appreciate  it! I also like the music this time, found some really good tracks. Cheers!

Thank you! Happy that you enjoyed it! :)

Thank you!!

Thank you very much! :D

Thank you very much!

Thank you, glad you liked it! :)

Definitely at some point! Nothing has been finalized yet.

Enjoy it! In came out in mapril :P

Thank you very much!! Very happy to hear that you like it! :) 

I don't do it on purpose, it just naturally happens, but I'm glad that it works out so well!

Depending on your reading speed, 3-6 hours. :)

Thank you for enjoying and playing the game :)

Hey there! 

That's up to your imagination why she's glitching. It wasn't revealed in the story yet.

I have no clue what LiL is, but honey select games tend to look similar, so maybe that answers your question!

You're welcome =D

(1 edit)

You can't use the 0.1.5 walkthrough mod, but the PDF works just fine :)

The walkthrough for 0.2 will be published on the 15th.

Hey there, I just replaced the files to include a quick sneaky hotfix, should be good to go again! Itch unfortunately replaced the original ones while I uploaded the new files. 

Give it a try now and thanks for the kind words! <3

Thank you very much! :)

Thank you very much for playing and enjoying it!

Hmm, interesting... probably because I uploaded it from scratch. I didn't bother with butler this time since I can't control when to release the newly uploaded version. Sorry for any inconvenience, but this will be the default from now on. :/

Enjoy it!


Thank you very much! Chapter 2 is already in the Early Access phase, currently its available for $10 patrons. Public release will be on the 8th!