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A member registered Dec 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yeah! That sounds like a good plan, I know I'm down for this!

I'm excited to see what's gonna happen in this update!

Nice piece of progress! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I looked up the topic on payments with adult games and it seems that it's more of a case by case situation for individual adult games than a hard rule for all of them. Odd but not too bad. I'd say play things by ear for a while and not jump the gun. But that's just my take.

Either which way, nice work on the update! I dig what you're doing with this game!

This sounds great!

It's cool to see this game taking shape like this! I look forward to see what comes next!

This is coming along so nicely! It feels great to play and the content's real sexy. Kudos all around!

This looks incredible, I love this aesthetic!

I ran into a fun bug! I completed the training with instructor Dahiana, experienced the scene with her, visited her place at night, that all went well. I sparred with her a second time, after I did all that other stuff, and the interaction played out like it was the first time happening. But this time! Instead of the lewd scene happening it just cuts back to the player in control with Dahiana's conversation illustration just hanging out on screen, haunting me wherever I went! I tried seeing if sleeping could get rid of her but nah, nothing doing. A simple reset got things back to normal.

And with that all said, great job on the update! I really dig all the new stuff you guys put in!

I played as much as I could, got all the content I could outta the 3 available girls, and this game is a great first impression! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this game turns out! (The only bug I'll mention is just a minor one, sorry I can't be specific here, I just ran into some invisible barriers once or twice. They were only the size of a square/character sprite so it wasn't a big deal.)

This reminded me how satisfying and just fun a good adventure game is! And the art and writing is great! Sexy and fun stuff!

Ah! Gotcha! Sorry for the lengthy message on this then. Have a good one!

(1 edit)

I think I ran into a weird bug of sorts. I was in the middle of collecting the pinups and unlocking the character gallery when my internet cut off unexpectedly before I could save anything. Now I boot the game back up and not only is the stuff I've collected not showing up but when I try and collect the pinups again they aren't unlocking at all. I don't know what to do fix this or if there's a way to reset my game so I can collect everything properly? Also, the scenes I've unlocked for the gallery are fine, they're still unlocked. It's just the other stuff that I've talked about is just a little finicky. EDIT: Or, they're still unlocked but they're showing up as not found/locked? It's weird. Thanks for reading this!