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A member registered Oct 11, 2022

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Hey you still making this game? Can't wait for the next update

Oh ok, well I Did all that but obviously can't go into the pumpkin, so only got to the shop, the mystic and that's it, it won't let me leave the area or go back to the hotel? 

Stuck in the market? 🤔 Btw Fantastic game

I can't "find clothes" at the very start 👀

Yeah that ain't working

So am I dumb or does it just not work in android? All I can do is move..

I dunno how to unlock the cards??

Ngl that's one of my favourite parts I needs see more of those two

When can you initiate mating?

Can I see myself nude?

Any futa?

Will there ever be an android version?

If I go back to the rabbit girl is it the same scene every time? And does it always collect semen? Or just once

You know what I'd love? Dog/horse dick equipment

Bro you needa hire developers 😂 no futa game has come close to this on android it's actually amazing and it's not fair you have to do it on your own <3


I know I get excited too then it's just bug fixes. I understand because mofu is alone in making the whole thing but I'm so eager for more content haha, oh well time to start again for the 600'th time lmao

Oh that's so awesome I can't wait!! 

One more question, what's the next major update you're working on? Like who's story will be added to next?

How do you plan on implementing the cum collection? Will we have to ask everyone and trigger a cutscene or equip the thing and get them to wank with us

Transmog would be nice, love the new statue interaction btw but the English translation is a bit off, "I'll come" and "I'm coming soon" are not the best phrases for this 

Very interesting! I would love that feature!

Awesome I really look forward to that, double team is so damn good haha

That would be really nice but isnt her cum for healing? If you shot cum during battle it'd just end the battle cause they'd be cured

Really great game mofu. Amazing artwork, love where this game is heading, honestly listening to feedback is great but don't forget this is your game, keep your values close to your chest because the game you're making is really something great. Don't forget it's not our game it's yours and your ideas are amazing

P.s. I vote for all futa 😅 makes sense too cause the futa don't need any other genders to reproduce

Oh, side question. Have you plans to add group "interactions" in the game or just one on one scenes? 

Honestly I understand her here and it's completely valid. His aim is to do X but he wants to please everyone (not a bad thing) but it will ultimately slow down updates and make the game his fans' rather than his own imagination of the game. Personally I want to see mofus version and what he thinks is perfect because he is an amazing developer and while listening to fans is great he also needs to keep his own values close to his heart. Sure lip might be a bit rude sometimes but she's the most helpful person here and bruh it's the internet.  You're gunna see rude people come on. If she was coming here to troll and abuse people that's bad but she's not. She's usually extremely helpful so what if her personality is 'to the point ' and truthful even if she comes off as rude. Leave her alone, build a bridge get over it and move on, ignore it if it makes you happier and just wait for updates

Yaaaay 😁

Major update when?? Need more of this amazing game ❤️

What's your illness if you don't mind me asking. Wishing you all the best!

Will you be adding in a transmog? Or maybe toggle on/off appearance of the add on items?

Where's the shoes?

Nvm I failed.....

See y'all in December guys!

(1 edit)

awesome! keep up the great work :)  I really hope we get to see that pink haired elf girl with the sheild and axe she looks amazing! Did I hear lip say you have other games btw?

I've never seen anything more beautiful than momo. Amazing artwork across the board do you do this art yourself?

I recommend farming for the perfect pupper, I got one that took maybe an hour or two with pink ears and tail, tan, and thunderbolt and she's amazing

he keeps telling me to try his wares and I wore the belt but nothing happens 

Awesome tyvm

thanks! What scene do I have to do to unlock that part? For now she's just selling me the chastity belt 

I fluffed up... Can you chAnge back from hooves to feet? I want the sneakers and fishnets :(

I just restarted the game and it's fine again but I'll try if that happens again thanks!