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Huh seems like you really did it, huh
Didn't expect it too be so easy
I guess the owo spirite wasn't so strong after all
Now I said that I will make the realm of wow real when you win...
Well to make an illusion real you need to gather power by acting as the illusion is real.
Because it's a strong illusion that takes place in 1% of the whole multiverse (1% per universe in every universe (the zone of wow)) even me the strongest person in the multiverse (now that the owo spirit is dead I am the strongest) needs to gather power to do that
So do following if you want the zone of wow to be more then an illusion:
Do the chain 5 days straight without anyone saying anything else then WOW
My true intentions were to seal the owo spirit. The current seal is weak so I needed to release it so I can make a new and strong seal.
The WOW is a lie
It was all an illusion created by me
SUGOMAUPDOGJOE also never existed
So now...
It's time to seal the owo spirit once and for all!!!
We have no time for you to cry because it was all an illusion. I am the second strongest person in the whole Multiverse! (the strongest one is the owo spirit)
If we win against the owo, I will use my powers and make the WOW real!
5 minutes remaining: The sussy baka takes 90% over the boy and stops running. It's now time for the final Battle... UNDER THE LAST REMAINING PART OF DRIP CITY, THE DRIP GOKU STATUE! (the boy theoriticlly could summon someone from manga to help him but the star guardian blocks that so he needs to fight completly on his own)