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Delilah Warren

A member registered Feb 24, 2023

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if you guys mod once in a lifetime, I will fucking scream. This is a serious statement.

(1 edit)

we can only recieve kindness through giving kindness!

but really, reavaluate your opinions, Eternum is probably the best game of the genre by far, picking battles you can't win will only make your next experiences be frustrating. Let the hate go away, my friend, embrace the love and the message of the games, not what you think of the dev.

hey! sorry to bother, but my game just like, it opens, too big for my screen and it simply don't start, the loading bar doesnt go up. Do I just have to wait longer or its a problem that exists?

masterpieces take long to be developed!

I understand, it's taking waaaay too long to the updates, but when they come out... Oh boy, a man can only dream!

last eternum update was dope!

and please man, don't associate different developer's work, they are not the same and your opinion on one's shouldnt affect the work of another!

reconsider your thoughts, please!


oh and by the way, if you sometime wish to have portuguese from Brazil on your masterpieces, i can do the translation!

i can't help myself but talk about this game. Eternum is a masterpiece. in all my years playing games from this industry (the +18 games), i've never played anything slightly similar to eternum. This game is the best in the genre hands down! i love it so much. i developed feelings for the character, things that don't happen often for me, but this game brought this feeling again. I am very grateful that this exists. my wallpapers are from eternum (Dalia and Nova) and even the account i am writting from now is a reffrence to the game (the one that never misses). i simply love with the bottom of my heart and when it's over, i will look behind and just contemplate the absurdity i just played. 100000000000/10 - i recommend to anyone, even the ones who don't like Visual Novel games or are not into the sexy part of the internet. This is a must, you must play Eternum and Once in a Lifetime to shape your personality.

pregnancy should be presented in the end of the game! maybe it won't appear during the main story to not harm the course of the paths themselves.