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A member registered Sep 12, 2020

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oh i appreciate that really thank you <3

okay thank you very much :3

Helooo this game is incredible is there will be new updates??


Здравствуйте хотел узнать вот выходят недельные обновления они уже в игре? Тоесть если я скачаю то все эти обновления будут или нет, потому что сами файлы на страничке не меняются.

The game actualy banger still download it sometimes to replay thank you for hard work!

oh thanks i didnt see that function

Very nice update you work on its so hard  i really like it only one thing i want to tell its choose option for randomized spirits to choose who enconter you like only males or only females

Awesome game :3



I m gona say again all ur games are very very good looking and fun to play thank you

Yeees finaly some new post waiting for the game so much


Thank you for new updates

actually this game is very good i wish you good luck with that project thats is awesome

that is soo cool will wait :3

Were cool game thank you for that there will be update?


i enjoyed the games will wait for the next update


уже есть один новый но как я понял он только для патреонцев

Really good and interesting novel the sprites look soo good i appreciate your hard work

(1 edit)

Awesome  really like this game <3

Wow the work is so fast i really appreciate that <3


We playing as a boy? 

The game acttualy real nice thaks you for your hard work

can you tell, will in this game some new characthers

awesome <3

Byte is not AI riiiight?..


I can't subscribe to you on patreon because I'm from Russia :(

вы еще и русский знаете я вас теперь в 3 раза больше уважаю

я поссессед

I like Tate so much omg

that nice :3

rn yes

Thats awesome

it is completed game?

Hello is the update going to be soon?