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A member registered May 10, 2022

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(1 edit)

I'm confused, how do I increase the smart stat for Selena

If something is anchored, you can't move it unless the requirements are fulfilled. Ex. Wait a few turns, or remove the item that anchors it, unless it anchors itself

You have to do it no matter what, but you can skip if you press 'm' in the main menu

Can someone explain how to do the jumps to skip the pekora and towa fights, are they just frame perfect jumps?

And for towa I got to the top of the fight room but I'm just stuck

I'm probably going to make myself a thread of challenges I've beaten at this point, like only grabbing fused/objects required to fuse items

Another challenge down being no commons other than the starting items

Managed to win without taking weapons, I feel proud of myself.

(1 edit)

Amazing game! But there are a few exploitable glitches in level 2.

You can completely skip calli if you just wall jump (this is really good for the speedrunning achievement)

If you get Miko to 50% hp and the blackout appears, you can go to a different level, and the blackout stays until you die or beat miko. But imo you should keep this because it's basically another way to make the game insanely hard. (I managed to somehow beat holo hq with blackout, though lv 6 calli's blackout just makes the entire screen black until she uses the drop down attack) Picture for example.

i won and died on the same turn

is this supposed to happen