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A member registered Jan 08, 2017

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I'm finally getting around to reading this adventure, and I'm loving it so far. Are you planning to write more adventures in this setting to follow it up?

Another certified banger update~

I haven't played the game yet, but I want to compliment you on how perfect this itch page is. The muncher as a static element that follows you down the page is magnificent.

He’s so good ;a;

The combination of him being a teacher, a soft boy, and willing to tuck you away for detention for 3-7 days is just too powerful.

Every update is a banger. Syd, my beloved, I can finally romance you <3

You should probably change "The metro is under reparations" to "The metro is under repair" though.

Oooh, ok!

The protagonist's perspective is actually something I like. I'm kinda super into noncon/dubcon, so the fact that he's very upset with his situation, but shows signs of being somewhat aroused by it clicks pretty well with me. I'd definitely love to see it if you came back to complete the statue ending  👀

Thanks for the tip, that's tidy~!

And I'm just glad you like the art! I'm always worried about drawn fanart, can never be sure how folk might respond.

I cackled when I realized the name was hiding an OSR acronym

You may want to change the Quarrel + Fable character keeper link on Google Docs so that Everyone With The Link can view it. Currently it requires you to request access.

Leafling bg PDF.pdf and Leafling bw PDF.pdf seem to be empty files

Is this a standalone RPG system, or a utility for a different system?

It's a small thing, but I've noticed the filigree in the corner has lighter colored boxes around it than the background color.

I've seen some folks just do a 'digital' version that has lower quality art just to make it run better on phones and low power tablets, so you might not have to worr  about making one high quality and also small file size book.

Much better! Thank you very much!

I backed this on Kickstarter and I'm EXCITED to get playing it.

I have to ask, though, is it possible to get a compressed version of the digital book? 140MB isn't unreasonably huge, but it is very lorge.

P.S.: I like the way you marked the choices with a star. I think I'm gonna steal that for my own twine thingey.

This is extremely well written. A good mixture of body horror, regular horror and lewd.

I noticed a couple of minor spelling issues, but the only thing that stuck out to me was that you have a portion of Rocky's speech in his Thrall Ending colored as Jarby's speech.

I puzzled out all 12 endings. My favorite is probably Dillon's Thrall Ending. It's... comfy, if a little melancholy. The 'best' ending IMO is Dillon's Freedom Ending. It feels like it has the strongest setup for 'doing something about it'.

Spoilers  below:

I appreciate the inclusion of things that grey the water on freeing people. Andrew preferring the hypnosis to his old life is a good touch, and Rocky being completely broken  without it is an interesting (and horrifying) wrinkle. I like the  plot detail that the more hypnotized a thrall is, the dumber they are. It's a well thought out drawback to vampire thralldom.

I love Andrew and Jarby's relationship. I love that, despite Jarby clearly holding all of the power, Andrew can boss him around like the Big Bro he's hypnotized to be like.

I love all of the characters. Except Throckmorton, he can jump off a bridge (I'll help). Everyone has an interesting bit of nuance to them, and with all the enthralled folks, the little peek at who they were before they were enthralled is very interesting. Lots of unanswered questions that are interesting to ponder.

IF you were to ever return to this project (I read that you at some point just had to call it done. I know what that's like) I would personally like to be able to get more lewd with everyone. It's possible my particular path veered away from some of that stuff, but the scene where you just ram your face into Andrew's armpit was  👌👀💦 and I was hoping for more like it. It does sort of undercut the frantic nature of your attempt to escape, but there are some hints that the MC is kind of horny about his predicament even if he's also horrified by it (and horny horror is my favorite kind of horny). Dillon's huge cock comes to mind...

And there feels like a huge lack of overt interaction with Jarby himself. I was hoping that waiting with any of the NPCs would allow an interaction with Jarby, even if it's just a few words of terse conversation before he knocks you out. Maybe just an option to suck his dick while he's sleeping, or bury his face in your armpit (to smother him??? He probably doesn't need to breathe.). Jarby is heccin cute, even if he's a goddamn monster.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk. Sorry for posting a wall of text, but I really enjoyed this. It's got me thinking about how things could go. How  one might achieve something resembling a good ending. (Get a steel mirror and force Jarby to hypnotize himself into not taking any more thralls and freeing you, Dillon, and your beau? Would killing him break the hypnosis for everyone? Could you become a more powerful vampire and take control of Jarby's situation?)

So, uh, good work uwu. Keep it up!

Oh sweet!

Just to clarify: This does require MASKS, right?

Ah, ok, got it!

I'm not sure if you're aware, but the Spanish(?) version of this game's page seems to be forbidden.

Hopefully one day in the future then! Good luck with your projects ouo/

Any chance of a digital booklet version of this game?

Thank you for making it!

Some fay mood possessed me and I ended up spending the better part of today assembling and coloring the printable books.

If you don't mind me asking, what motivated the drastic shift in aesthetic from the first version?

No problem! And thanks xD!

I decided to open the form fillable PDF to see how you did the item tiles. I typed some (very juveline) words into the item text boxes and they all took the same name! It looks like you copied and pasted the boxes while you were setting it up, and didn't change the IDs (or whatever they're called) of the boxes, so they're all sharing the same info.

I'm not sure if/when I'll use this, but a font with inbuilt glyphs for TTRPGs is a BRILLIANT idea.

Diggity dope, I wish  you luck on your current projects!

Been listening to  this while digging through the Palestinian Relief Bundle, and Cosmic Wound really speaks to me. The lyric "It's ok to feel fuckin' broken/that's no reflection on you" in particular.

I'm not sure if you're still working on this, but I really like the pixel art cover art you have on the itch page, I think it would be pretty dope if you added that to the PDF. Maybe some more 1 bit pixel art stuff for the interior?

Thank you!


I just bought the CBR+PNK AUGMENTED physical box set from MythWorks, and I noticed there are mobile versions of (most) of the books included in the download, but the art in them is extremely low res. I understand this is for usability and size on a cell phone, but I was wondering if there are (or if you could be  persuaded to release) some higher resolution versions?

I'm going to be referencing/reading these primarily on an iPad and the pamphlet files are very pretty but very awkward to use on a tablet.

Also there doesn't appear to be a mobile version of Mona Rise or any of the printer friendly files included from the Mythworks digital files either...

Definitely. Very cute!