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A member registered Nov 10, 2021

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sad this version is like a year old already my only question is did they dev quit working on this or are they still working on it because i hope to see more content for this game its quite good

(1 edit)

this game  is so good the story is honestly amazing i do have questions like do you have a discord we can join also not really a fan of the fae increasing in size so much but like i said the story is amazing lol and taren or however its spelled is a ass did he really have to do what he did to the maid and then take a certain someone while she was walking to that shop avoiding too much detail to avoid spoilers because idk if i can blur words on this site to hide things that would be spoilers 

sad there is no birthing system in this game she gets pregnant but never delivers the child or children  and its sad you cant get her pregnant in normal mode

lol read your comment and deleted the download i just did before i even played it

whats the 3 digit code for that box

ngl i read the comments before even playing and now i wont play i dont touch censored crap 

stepmother gay guessing you use patreon get off that gay shit and use subscribestar and change stepmom to mo already when changed i will buy but not before then 

im playing the version on itch that you can play without downloading what kind of question is this didnt you add that shit to itch 

didnt download wont download do see the point if this happens right at the very beginning without me experiencing any of the game at all 

looks interesting

file download limit is quite small i cant even download it to see if i like the game which is sad in situations like this i leave and forget about the game and most likely never try it ever so i suggest adding other ways of downloading like gofile or workupload something more options for us means this never happening and you get more people playing your game seeing if its good and that could mean potentially more money in your pocket due to more people on your subscribestar if you have or your patreon look at me giving you some ways you could make money lol  

i use opera gx

sorry not going to download your game and me trying to play it on the web doesnt work i get this error

Error: Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded (see JavaScript console for details)

This is a known issue in Safari and Webkit browsers. Please report this issue to Apple.
im on windows not apple macs suck ass 

you know that makes  absolutely no sense right because what is stopping them from downloading every other game on here that is nsfw

sad the nsfw version costs money when it will be so short right now and if im being honest too short to justify spending a dollar fifty on it i totally understand you worked on this idk if it was hard work so i didnt bother to type that originally and because you have a patreon you are basically charging twice for the game technically which is kinda greedy if you ask me i know no periods or caps im lazy lol

lol i didnt pay attention who the publisher was tbh im in your discord and yeah i remember this on f95 years ago so when i saw it here im like well i guess someone is ripping the game and resharing it

this is actually old im guessing this isnt your game and you are just sharing it around

it should be

lol so not having much in your free version is fine to you and not even showing them a sample of what is on the paid version yeah your right i should totally pay now ty very much.......
oh wait im not retarded i would like to know what im paying for my bad

this is way too short

porn game?? or na 


thought this was like a porn game its not im confused now

Question do you plan to have a android if no could you make your pc version compatible with joiplay if it's not the game looks good my PC is currently resetting and is stuck at 17% big ooof wish it would speed up lol

My guess would be a no our only hope if we never pay is someone uploads the patron build me personally I would pay if I could get a full assessment of the game but what they are doing is making it a hard no

the discord link doesnt work at all we are just directed to discord with no server join request at all

where was it posted i honestly dont mind waiting because you make good games and always release it for free after x number of days you could probably stop making it free sooner you know i do appreciate whenever you do but just something for you to think about

that sucks me im happy waiting for the update to be free naturally i dont buy games so early on idk if im gooing to continue to like the content im seeing so i always wait