is the browser ver broken? cuz it's just coming up with a question mark in a small blue square :/ (not loading)
A member registered 84 days ago
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!Ω Factorial Omega: My Dystopian Robot Girlfriend community · Replied to Gameman1325 in How do i sell parts?
Putting my name as Andras totally freaked me out. And when you just put spaces you're name is just 'Human' lolol. Putting it as Zion was interesting too. It's such a small detail but I LOVE the secret little scenes for particular names. Also, ik this is kinda dumb but how do u get the 7th memory? :'D
OMG I LOVE THISSS im not sure if the neutral ending is still in development but I got three bad endings (I think) , would someone please explain the last one?
- I die from the mushroom ring when Mychael actually lets me out
- I get brainwashed
- I kill him, btw I'm not kidding when I say I actually cried when he died :'(
Cupid's Kiss: a short, romance comedy comments · Posted in Cupid's Kiss: a short, romance comedy comments