I'll make some mock-up cards and post them to you.
Recent community posts
This year with getting my Master's in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, I've dedicated a lot more time to getting back into the Linux environment that I started back in '99 as a kid. I've been learning more Python too, and I'm hoping to use tools like MasterPlan to help me keep some of my projects on course, really cool tool SolarLune!
is it possible to have the tool iterate through every combination and output images for every combination? Should be a simple implementation to have it step once, export, step again, export and so on. It would generate a lot of data, but would be a useful option. I'm willing to pay for implementation of that sort.
I experimented importing this into my game in game maker studio 2, and wow, this will be awesome! I'll be able to add tons of characters from this, or make randomly generated bad guys. The fact that the characters don't have arms is really actually very useful, because i can put another layer on top of the characters!