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A member registered Dec 26, 2019

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Sounds awesome!

Im guessing this is a stand-alone tool? it would be nice to use this with other engines other than just unity.

That would be awesome, it would make buying this worth-while as it would fit with the Kenney ecosystem of programs. 

Hello Kenney! 

I do love the idea of mashing shapes together to make something truly unique and i like the looks it provides (i like the low poly look), its nice to have a huge collection of shapes.. however i would like to be able to use my own shapes/models or even sprites and mash them into something that looks cool and is exportable for use in many engines. 

If this feature is already added, Cool.. i will buy the software asap. 


This looks a quite nice & interesting tool.

my question/s are:

1) Can we import our own models/art/sprites/animations?

It would be cool to be able to use this tool as a 'main hub' for my own art/models/textures etc & be able to quickly change a model/sprites art/hair/ears/weapons etc then simply change there animation somehow to suit the new changes without having to do everything in blender or other modelling tools, but this would then need some-kind of model animation skeleton type editor.

2) Can we export the Model made as 'sprites'?

This feature would enable the use of this tool with many many other software out-there not just limit it to people who can code (unity etc) or use basic RPG makers.. also this would be cool outside of game creation.

3) Can we resize the included model/sprite & the other assets? 

If we could make a chubby hero or a dwarf towns person this would be handy (especially with included hats or other items or even our own).

4) Does this only work for 2 legged creatures? 

Being-able to create creatures with more than 2 legs would be a nice feature (we could create then say.. a spider, a cat, a spider-cat hybrid etc).

5) Does this include a type of paint software?

Being able to edit the models looks in the program would be very helpful to a lot of users as some people cant create there-own models thus editing provided parts would help them. 

Keep-Up the great work!

Would love to be able to use this as a quick 'storage & editor' type program for my own models/art/parts so i could easily click stuff together change or modify the animation to one of my own or something then simply out-put the new cool creation to use.. instead of having to fire-up blender for each model and change in an awkward-way its animation per character i make.


This seems to be on Steam for £2.. (which is not a lot if the games full.. but is the game complete? Here it says alpha, there it doesnt say 'in-development').

Tbh, it looks an interesting game.. I enjoy the old-school vibes these types of games have.

Hope your doing well!

Cool, im really going to have to just put stuff on hold and get into using the program..  some of the stuff people make is beyond belief

wait... this was made in Crocotile?.. that's awesome! ..might try to make a few low-poly looking models with it & a few maps (if possible) so i can make my games & animations a tone easier.

Glad i got this software, worth more than its cost for me, hope you make some other cool programs or updates (as this reminds me of the 'magic' ps1/ps2 days).

keep up the amazing work!

fully understood, i find i have big ideas a lot then find i have to tone-down my ideas to fit what i can actually archive (which is sometimes a little disappointing) however things sometimes workout for the best & taking the time you need is always a good idea this way your not working on just fumes and getting 'burned out', dis-hartened or annoyed with things (and its easier to find a workaround or fix).

will have to take a look at the pinball simulators as they sound pretty cool & if there anything like 'Pinball Wizard' then they will be epic!.

all the best, hope all is going well :)

(3 edits)


I haven't done animations in a long-time (since 2016 I think, but I never found it an easy task even when I use to make small flash games and other junk).

As for the layout.. it depends, some people prefer a grid type grouping of animations (might be easier for users of Game maker) or some do each animation set as a different image file or some prefer them just labeled and in a list type style. However it's up to you how you layout your work ☺️, we can re-center it if needed in most programs but most people prefer .PNG file type as it allows easy import on most programs and also allows for easy layering and transparency etc.

Keep up the good work!

I think they mean the used assets would be in a folder (e.g. 'assets') where if you 'install' the game that folder is accessable (like with old games such as doom where the files are changeable or take-able/modifiable or such as elder Scrolls oblivion where we can take the art/sounds etc..... If we wanted).

I could be wrong.. but that's the overall impression I got.

Maybe they could encrypt the used assets or something to make accessing them not worth the time or effort & include a copywrite notice.

Thank you!

Well trick or treaters can have coal, Santa can have a carrot, and ..the Grinch can have an apple, that's fair..😁

Anyhow.. awesome work with the asset pack/s, they look amazing 👍.

Do I also get the avatar? 😂

Thank you, these are well worth the money.. I did make my own 8x8 crops as a base to start from but mine look shoddy so these will be used as they look pretty epic in comparison.


These are very useful, got the bundle as even if I don't need them.. there worth the money and they look very well colour dithered/shaded.


Sorry for the very late reply.

No problem, we all sometimes over-complicate stuff and get snowed-in by the scope of stuff (im only just starting to learn to make games so im following the K.I.S.S rules because sometimes i aim far to high and end-up stuck somewhere in ideas/coding/3D modeling etc.. so im just doing (or trying) to do little bits at a time and 'cheating' where i can (buying models/art/etc) as im not that good yet and i loose focus easily (ADHD doesn't help lol).

All the best in your projects and any-other awesome stuff you design :)


The maker/s of this are legends, I have seen quite a few 3D type games done for pico-8 and some nice 'engines' for them (I have also failed at using them as I'm new to Pico lol), but this is epic. 

To unwind I still always find myself plying doom (1993) or the modded versions even when there's more modern and graphically stunning games out there.. the simple style is just fun/enjoyable even to this day and 'Doomero Inc' and other modders still put-out quality content. 

Galapagos community · Created a new topic Sounds awesome!


Please let us know when/if this program will be downloadable as it sounds interesting, and would make a nice addition to my fantasy console collection, even more so if it can handle 3D in a semi-decent way, also if there were to be a buy-able version would it have more features or cool little add-ons that other free versions can't get? that is the reason i like Pico-8 or Pixel Vision 8 as its fine having a free version but i like to feel that i have something special by buying something instead of feeling like i was conned lol. 

The reason i like fantasy consoles is that it reminds me of simpler times where we didn't have to install a load of junk just to do any programming (such as on a ZX81 or C64, Amiga etc) & programs tried not to eat a tone of memory, I like having all the tools i need right where they should be which is at a mouse click away & with tools like Pico-8 or Pixel Vision 8 the user-interface makes things very simple & fast.

Anyway best of luck.!