Now i got all four of them!
Zero :) I forgot about them when i was writing this comment. I'm now trying to get one
Yeah, it's fixed :)
How is it possible to get 1240 on lilly 1?
No it's not
Yeah, I already solved it, I'm not stuck, but it's still a bug and the dev still needs to fix it
I think I found a bug. If I move up from this position, a lilypad will spawn inside a whirlpool and instantly move also moving the whirlpool.
118 steps! Very cool! Loved the idea of the controls
I need a hint
Very cool game!
Hello, there's a bug in pylon-x2
If I move right from this position, it still will be considered as entering from up, left and down, but it should be considered as entering only from the left. If I move right one more time, it will cause an infinite loop.
Can anybody help me with the key and flip one please? The bottom right star