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A member registered Feb 16, 2016

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hm the void t the bottom still seems to be game over, even without water

okay, it jsut seems to be that flower. the one in the dash area, right from the 2 green gem things.

maybe you should make sure that one always respawns on top of the flower.
like in a spike area, i merely scratched the flower from the left before dying. now i respan to the left, slightly lower, than the flower, infinitely falling into my spiky death :-/

yeah, prestiging currently isnt really worth it or has too little impact. like once you unlocked the forth ball, you have basicaally seen everything

infinite moon fall, yeah! -.-

wish i would just die though and be respawned

okayish game but a few things:
1. given that the game uses keyboard controls, why have the restart by a button in the middle of the game scren that you have to click with your mouse?
also why not auto respawn, given that you die way too easy anyways?

2. why is the horizontal speed, when stand jumping, so much slower than when you run and then jump?
I basically, even if only little space, have to run a bit before jumping cause otherwise ma left/right speed is jsut a bad joke.
would prefer if the horizontal air movement speed would be the same, no matter if from a standing jump or running jump.

2 things that make the grinding a bit annoying. that aside, decent game.

how does one get out of the prestige screen?
Like I clicked prestige, confirm. then screen changes to blak and I can distribute the 1 skill point. then "commit skills".
but now what?
I dont see where I get back to the game screen.

(double) clicking prestige just does prestige again, this time obviously with zero points gained.
i dont see how to get back to the actual game.
also wall, according to top left bar, didnt repair.

hm, game doesnt save achievements.
had closed the game and right now just reopened the exe file but achievements are unmarked again.

Nice game!

Really like the game, making you replay it a few times :-)

Time to hunt the rmaining achievements.
getting the minimum talk is hard cause the up arrow button always unwillingly talks to people when you get close to them -.-

havent triedit wihtout the onsen powers but you can basically beat the boss by doing nothing.
just stand somewhere save and let the falling rocks hit and kill him, slowly but steady :-)

nevermind, did it.
you might wanna make it so that if you interact with an already open chest, yopu dont get the item again.

it didnt break anything and game seems to consider the individual apples differently anyway but still.

the snowman thing wasnt bad, jsut a bit tedious.

oh and credits disappeared in like a second, so I couldnt even read them if I wanted

okay, I'm kind of stuck.
gave the dude the apple (missed what he said), also got the key and the plank.
after that, no idea what to do.
you can fall down the hole, left soem wall that you cant do nothing about. and right is jsut a way to get back up, no way to continue further right.
saw the guy wanting sunflowers but havent found any.
also no idea where to use the plank and the key.

maybe the apple dude said soemthing interesting but now when going to him he jsut tells me about loving apples.

Also, at the stat, I dont see how to cross the fly puddle.
after like 3 deaths or so some stone appears that I am sure wasnt in that poodle before.
is that normal?

I know or have played most of those games, but thanks anyway.
I will continue searching on my quest to relive the boredom of life jsut a tiny bit :-)

I think I got everything but the end screen sure doesnt count it all (got all 7 abilities but only 6 tracked).
Also , even though I had it, the right most red thing I had gotten, died afterwards. and now it is done but still is not marked as done on the map.
likely only visual map thing but still.

also very disappojnted that getting all the seeds and going to the tree got me nothing except sopme "thanks for all you have done" "nah, no need to thank me".

i did, I use 7zip too, just ran the file by double clicking.

might jsut be my old notebook, is already like 10 years old almost.

yeah, it only was enough for the first field.
next field things do like 10 damage per hit, those 8 lifesteals aint gonna cover that anymore :-D

yeah I somehow won. :-)

the download file doesnt work for me.
like I double click the exe, black window with white window inside appears for like 3 seconds, then it just closes again.
each time

for the record: about 5 lifesteals are neeeded and you are set for life :-)

you even get any effort?
If I dont hold the mouse, I lose effort right down to zero.

Do you know of any other games like Kalinur? :O

could you maybe tell me in which rooms the keys are and how many there are of them?

huh, fatal error literallywhen i double click the exe fle for the windows version. :-(

well, I somehow beat all the levels except the last skatepark one, good enough. no idea how aou are supposed to know what is where behind the white shapes, jsut guesswork.
but in the last level I have no clue what is going on behind there.

oh and, after the 20th like time reopening the game, stuff and abilities were still there, but map was blank beside a few rooms, so had to revisit to get them back on the map. no hard issue since by now I basically know the map layout by heart but still.

and I use the newest game version.

Also, somewhere in the earlier rooms (like the light brown ones from the start) you can walk into a pointless hole with a bonfire which, to my tries, you cant get out of with a single jump.
so can get stuck in there.
also, brown rooms in the top left, when you enter that room from the bottom, there are aura walls on the left and right.
if you activate aura, jump in the right aura loc, stand towards the right and deactivate aura, you can get pushed into the void.
you can easily glitch back in but jsut saying. aint game breaking , jsut funny.

beforementioned thing is an issue though if you go into that hole before getting doublejump.

I jsut looked into the savedata.dataobject file but no idea what I would have to change in there to give myself the last missing key :-(

Nice game, reached the "point of no return", but soemthing seems to be still messed up.
Since I got all collectibles except one cup.

in the huge pruple room, there is a key door that I havent been through. but I have no key left and there arent any in the world either, I checked literally everywhere.
there is jsut one key missing.
so cant open the door, get the final cup and health upgrade, cant get the special moment :-(

and yeah, i of course also had bought everything at the shop :-(

do you have a download button or something?

Too much french for my non-existent knowledge :-(

okay I finally beat the game, only missing a point thing in the pruple dimension (the place where the egg is, the point thing is behind solid walls in the bottom left of that certain room, with tentacles and shooters in there too).

the skeleton thing was a road block no doubt. still had some short breaks after where I had to go a bit back and forth to rmeember where the enxt step shpould be. but was doable.
obviously platforming sections were harsh but doable after a couple of tries.

wait, jsut for the record:
the feather is in the machine area, you enter the machine area from the left. and going one screen up, you see the feather but cant get it since this seems to be the exit of it.

the candle thing however is bsically in the castle (the "observatory"),
down down, to where there are water pits . and in the left room, with water at the bottom again, the candle is high up, with no way to climb up there from where youa re standing.
is there secret passage or something?

and that skeleton, is that in the room above the candle room, do you jsut need to stand there at some spot?
also still trying to figure out how the "constellations will show me the way", the moon room is sus as f, but no standing around there has done anything.

so far, I have already played it twice, will do it a third time.
mainly, if you want to miss one point thing, you have to first get green key from left and everything after is in the castle on the right.
activate mechanism at top of castle.
not much to do to get back where i was

is there an actual end to the game or is it an endless runner? :-)

canyou elaborate. for if idecide to replay it from scratch.
the only watery place jsut tells me about a feather to get up to the lamp.

oh great, the game didnt save sh...
guess that was that then

really nice game but I sure tend to get stuck and currently I am at a loss.
hope you can help me. what I did:
have green key
activated mechanism
got the hate word

that's about it?
want the feather but to get it I need to go through the dark area which require the candle which requires the feather to get. or so it seems.

soemthing about fake spikes was said but didnt find any yet.
was in machine room few times and read all tablets everywhere but no idea where to go next.

help please? :-)

nice game. at certain points the main window moves under the heart window, so i have to drag it awa.

But that aside, great game! <3

Really nice game.
the jumping sems to be a bit unreliable at times which can be annoying.'
But overall great game.

and I totally thought towards the end I had found some bug that the dev overlooked. Nope he expected it and gave me a free upgrade as a reward.
no idea which one cause among the intense clicking, I clicked the unexpected window away before I could read it at all :-)

nevermind got it.
apparently jumping (not kickflip but standardnjump) does stuff when graplled.
so fa except looking cooler and the way to exit the dino, I considered jump and kickflip basically the same.

well i did make it to the part where I got the grappling hook.
but not sure how to advance.
sure tall room, have to leave dino at the bottom, grapple my way up, can only go into room top left.
in there a grappling hook and indestructible vines blocking some room exit at the bottom.

Is this the current end?
Or did I miss soemthing along the way?

great game, looking forward to the full version! :-)