Hello! Entering on my own 25+ but was wondering; I have a mockup from 3-4 years ago, wondering if I can reference it for my idea on this game?
I won't be using the characters as they're static and the story idea I have is very different, I'll be redrawing a lot of this as my skills as a pixel artist has changed a lot since and there's so many little mistakes I'm noticing, even as I type this.
Of course I won't be touching anything until the jam starts, just planning the scope/length of my project.
The other question I have, is that are we allowed to use/reference assets that are free/bought on itch.io? Mostly worrying about work as a solo dev with the time allocated.
Also! was wondering when the jam start are we allow to post a dev log? I find it helps me when I develop games to make a twitter thread, though to ask just to be sure!