Health issues flared up in October 2024. I'm still experiencing a variety of health issues that are not under control, so I haven't been posting on itch due to that interrupting my life. I don't plan on abandoning itch, it's just been a horrible few months and my body is not cooperating. I'm still on Patreon and writing new scenes every month for Boyfriend Summon on that website. Despite my health issues, I can't take breaks from Patreon because I would lose patrons and that source of income.
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A WIP of an all female mode is on Patreon that I have been working on for months. idk when it will be fully completed because I only work on it at the end of a month once I have completed everything else in my monthly queue. If people on my Patreon vote for an all female mode Anthro Love update, then the update will be finished earlier, but they haven't voted for that update and instead vote for other I only work on an all female mode Anthro Love update when I have free time.
The original term for gorgons referred to three specific sisters in ancient Greek mythology which included Medusa. A bad-faith-argument person could use the fact that the ancient mythological gorgons were sisters to imply that a group of gorgons having sex in this game would be incest, so I am not using that term in this game in order to avoid a situation like that.
It's already available to download.'s webpage is weird and doesn't display the download option for the playable online version by default for any game page with a playable online option. If you wish to download it through itch, you have to use the app to download it. Additionally, I post a MEGA download link on my other websites such as FurAffinity, SoFurry, blogspot, and pillowfort. You can also download it through my discord server by joining the server, going to dl-game-links, and clicking download in the bottom right corner underneath Board Bliss Blast Version 1.03 in that section of the discord.
I just found the bug. It only affects original mode with sixty men and it only affects the day one scenes after naming them and before the first elimination ceremony (it was redirecting to the day one scenes with sixty men and women instead of directing to the scene meant for sixty men). How the day one scenes should appear in that scenario are accurate in the recap before naming the object before the first elimination. I already have a WIP of the game for a future update, so I'll upload the bug fix in that future update which will be months from now. Seasons mode is faster pace than the original mode when it come to the day one scenes.
The game itself is an html file. If you prefer to download the file instead of playing online on you can download html files on using the app. Or you can find the file to download by going to one of my other websites (FurAffinity, Discord, SoFurry, Pillowfort, blogspot, or weasyl).
Whether a cat species can purr depends on the species. This game features nine different cat species: Bobcat, cheetah, clouded leopard, cougar, jaguar, leopard, lion, snow leopard, and tiger.
Bobcats, cheetahs, cougars, and snow leopards purr (but cannot roar).
Jaguars, leopards, lions, and tigers do not purr (but can roar).
Some organizations claim clouded leopards can't purr while other organizations say clouded leopard can purr. There is video evidence of clouded leopards making a purring-like sound and the original claim that they don't purr goes back decades ago when there was less research on clouded leopards. For simplicity sake, I didn't include purring for clouded leopard in the game. (Most organizations claim clouded leopards can't roar so clouded leopards also do not roar in this game)
Unfortunately's webpage does not allow the playable file to be downloaded (I have no control over it) but it can be downloaded through by using the's app. If you prefer to not use the app to download, you can easily download the game through my discord server or go to my FA account, sofurry account, weasyl account, pillowfort account, or blogspot account which will have a dropbox file link and a mega file link to download the game when you view the game's submission post. (And it's also available to patrons/subscribers on my Patreon and subscribestar.)
It's not rape. Your interpretations of the scenes are simply your interpretations and misreadings, they are not factually correct. The human npcs want to have sex: they are not rejecting, they're not saying no, they're not begging for it to stop, their actions and dialogue support the idea that they are consenting and that they want it. I said it's consensual and their actions support that it is consensual and there is nothing the characters say that goes against the idea that it is consensual. The officer literally says: “Help me get these clothes off!” That is not the hitchhiker telling you to rip the officer's clothes off, that is the officer himself/herself telling you. It should be obvious the officer wants to have sex and is consenting.
You can use the app to download it (or go to my FA or discord that are listed in the credits). For whatever reason's website does not currently allow playable online files to be downloaded unless you download it using the app.'s website allows older files to be downloaded when there are multiple files or when a game is not playable online. Additionally, patrons of my Patreon have download links for the next updated version of the game (Dragon Watching Version 1.01 which will receive a public release sometime in a future month).
My game updates are mostly determined by my patrons at Patreon, each month they vote for which game gets updated and the content that is added in each update. It's been a year since this game has been chosen for an update by my patrons. I'll update this game whenever it's chosen again by my patrons.
Weird, it might have to do with whatever device you are using to access the website or the settings on your device or browser. You can download the game by using the app. Also, you can download the game by going to my discord or any of my other sites like FA.
The option doesn't currently exist. You can eliminate all the men on the first night in the game and have the remaining contestants be women.
The only men option was added to the game because people on my Patreon chose it to be included in an update. It's possible for an only women option to be added in the future if it's selected by my patrons to be included in a future update, but idk how long that could take to happen.