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A member registered Jul 29, 2020

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Hi everyone,
long story short, I really like this card game. Really. I think this game is very good and it has truly potential to emerge. Furthermore, the illustrations in this game are probably the most beautiful 18+ drawings I've ever seen in any other browser game or even videogame before, period. I compare them to illustrations in famous erotic comics. They somehow reminds me Jab Comix illustrations, and that's truly a compliment from me. I'm compelled to see all the cards and all the combos in the game for the sole purpose of seeing how much beautiful and perverse the new scenarios will be. To me, this is by far the best game from Hooligart.
That said, I also think the game could be a little more generous with f2p players and with players in general. I'm not a fool tho, I've already played many other browser games, and I know earnings from a shopping system are important and in some cases necessary, all I'm asking is maybe decrease the general costs of cards upgrades and/or maybe increase the way to earn viagra playing the game. Maybe adding also a way to switch to a better chest after a win in the arena or add a way to discard one chest you already have to make place for a better one...
I don't know, mine are just suggestions.
Thanks for the attention and for this game. Have a nice day and stay safe!

Thank you very much Fear3D for your explanation. I would like to test out many combos and situation but unless I spend money on this game, the process will take weeks, maybe a year or more and I don't even know if I will play it for the rest of the month. I think this game is really good, it has truly potential, BUT it is the most PayToWin game I've ever seen in my entire life. The shopping system in this game is VERY "aggressive" and the problem is that game itself is not generous with players who don't to spend money on it... and that's a shame in my opinion. I really like this game tho, the illustrations are truly beautiful and compelling.

I will clean cache and cookies to be sure, thanks. And yes, I always use cards with Steroids before of any other card, even if that means losing the match... I do it on purpose to unlock that frigging step of the event. Thanks anyway!

I'm truly sorry to hear that...

Hi, as the title suggest the counter of that step of the Event seems to be stuck at 5/10. I use that ability on purpose during battles everytime I can, but even if it activates, the counter does not increase... I don not understand if it's me doing something wrong or if it's a bad bug of the game.
Any suggestion? Please help me, thanks.

I also noticed that with a Combo a high level Card doesn't retain it's values, the Combo is somehow "fixed" to specified values and sometimes these values are worse than the OG... is that so? Why is worth upgrading and/or reasearching combos?

Could you also explain to me why Lady Vamp and Policewoman are good cards?

What do you mean with (Save atleast 3m for a good chance at getting a Blue)?

Town of Sins community · Created a new topic Best Avatars?

Hi everybody!
Best Avatars in each tier in your opinion?

Hello everyone!
As the title. Is it worth spending Viagra or Money on common cards? When should I start researching for combos or upgrading cards with Viagra?
What should I spend Gems for? I'm a F2P player.

Hello everyone!
As the title. Ca it be made as an .exe or .apk for Android? Or maybe is there a way to download the HTML5 version of the game?