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A member registered Aug 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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RIP Cat lmao

Yeah I’m excited. It should be out sometime next week because I’m gonna stop myself before I add too much for this update lol

Right now it's just f/f but it'll be m/f, f/f, f/m, m/m eventually

Yeah that's something I really wanna add. I just need to write it in.

Update: Did a couple tests with one of the sprites for webp and it makes the textures a little blurrier so I probably won't be doing it.

Thank you ^^

I don't know if I have the ability to do a sandbox game atm. Maybe in a few years.

I appreciate the patience x.x The past year or so threw a lot of wrenches into my life, but I'm back on my feet now and I've learned a lot. Hopefully I'll get this out in a month or so.

I plan to actually have more vore in the future lmao it took so long for me to actually put a vore scene in

Thank you ^^ Hopefully I can keep this momentum going so I can release stuff more frequently

Also thank you ^^

Yeah. I think eventually I wanna develop this into a point and click adventure game. I'm gonna probably implement features in the short stories and then work on an actual main narrative for the main story.

Thank you for the support ^^

Try going to your library and downloading it that way. Sometimes itch bugs out and you can't download it from the project page for some reason.


Maybe the big adventure was the friends we made along the way

I love raccoon...

I kind of fell into a rough spot a couple months back and I'm slowly getting my energy back. Hopefully I start working on projects again soon.

Madison tummy...

Yeah I tried to have it link to the updated face, but for some reason it didn't want to.

I appreciate it. Hopefully when I do a proper update it'll be a bit longer. I've still gotta work on developing it.

So I got a little burnt out. Am working on getting a short demo for another game out (I'm not going to work on more than the 3 games lol), and then after that I'm gonna work on finishing it. The only thing I need to do with this update is finish the one route and make a bunch of CGs.

Update: She is straight so I cannot have her

Realtalk this game was very fun. It took a while for me to actually sit down and play it but I did not expect a 30+ hour rpg (I was trying to 100% it best I could). Overall I had a fun time and the characters did leave a good impact on me. I got a lot of laughs and I'm glad there was a lot of nonironic humor as well.

Recreation of me finding out Clara is not into women

Yeah I got super burnt out and hit a wall metaphorically so I'm taking a few days off.

Update: I love women...

It's not a game. They're game assets. If you have any sort of gallery app on your phone yes it can "play" this because they are image files.

Oh my gosh this is so precious I love it

Yeah it was pretty much making new screens to show, then also doing looped transitions that resized / moved things. It was fun to figure out.

Right now essentially just the two short stories, the music player, and the character pages. I've got a couple more vore-centric stories in the works for after the next Chihiro game update.

Clara my beloved...

So true king

My placeholder dialogue always resonates with people lmfao

Yeah I've got some unbirth planned.

Thank you ♡ I hope to work on this for a long time.

Celeste's route, probably should make a guide but it's all hypercock stuff. Pretty much:

- Celeste
- Milk Tea
That's where all the male pred options are

I feel bad for forgetting to put it in the description but download the apk for this and install it. It should work fine (I tested it on my phone).

Update: I've never felt so patriotic in my life