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A member registered Feb 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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The android file is not working for me

Thank you for blessing us with this Update!

It's been quite a while since you've posted and I wanna know if you are OK and if there will be any more updates in the future 

The game isn't on the phone but it says it is apparently

The file is  unable to download on my Android is it something to do with the android or storage

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I load on to the VN and it keeps shutting down I've saved atleast 2 GB and It's always the 1st or 2nd day

Bug on android as soon as I load in the main menu my game shuts down

Thank u for the android version

This is amazing!

As soon as it reaches "well it looks like i won" on Tai's route my game shuts down

I cant download it for some reaso

It wont let me download on android

No just the creator is having a hard time rn somight get a new update like 2022

You should make a new game referring to this BUT when they meet each other again

Its already 12:21am lol i hope it's today cos then it will be a perfect birthday present

Whenever I try to play this it kicks me out of the game after a few minutes


Wow im really early to an update

Why do i get kicked out when it says "i guess i won" or something like that?

An update, Lets go!


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Right now its 6pm April 14th so im mostly assuming that it is the 14th where the creator lives

Is the next update Sissels finished route

Yeah its the phones storage cos i have to delete apps and files to get these VNs

Thank you

Cant wait for the next update

Why cant i download on android

Will Ranok be gone and my character will have to go alone or with vulgor and verissa

What happened to my legs and feet on Leo's route

Best VN in my opinion and i almost actually cried of how depressing the last moments were i cant wait to se the sequel, do you think Khemia will be completed on this

Before i download the completed version how many routes r there

Wait who was updated cos i got an extra bit of Tai's route but i havent checked the other available (if they are)

Im excited for this

Is there another part to this as in a different VN with the same outcome?

Has Shoichi's route finished? Asking out of curiosity

I really enjoyed the VN and if you could get a few more characters this could easily be turned into an animated series but i have no complaints on this

Yay an update!!!

Yh im on android so ignore doesnt work for me thanks for the recommendation

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Am i finished when a file comes up saying copy code open ignore or quit or is that a bug?

I am aware of it being free but what im saying is since this is the DEMO, the official completed game still awaits