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A member registered Jun 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh ok. Someone that knows how to develop games in unity should read all of these comments and then make an updated version of the simulation

Something else that would be nice is a chip editor just like the one in digital-logic-sim, where you can package up your circuits into a single chip. Also there should be multiple project save slots instead of a singular canvas that you can edit.

Yeah i have this problem too

You say that to edit a wrong chip i should replace it with a workable chip. The problem is I spent an hour making this complicated chip which has lots of working parts inside of it, and i don't remember how I made it, so I can't just make a new one.

Also it would be useful to have a drag to select function, because right now the only way to delete a lot of stuff is clearing the canvas

The game takes up only half of my monitor. (My monitor is 2k) Is there a way to set the resolution so the game takes up all of my monitor?


Has anyone found a way to edit chips that have already been made? I made a giant chip with lots of gates inside it, but then realized that something inside of it was wrong. Now I don't know how to edit and fix it.

Read the instructions in the game home page

they say to make a input/output group press "+"

i/o groups have digits

Which version should I download?