As many as you can reasonably manage as the GM! Personally, anything more than six is difficult for me, with three usually presenting the ideal number. Your milage may vary though!!
Detyan/Dtyn8 - (Ewen)
Creator of
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As per The Institute for Parapsychic Phenomena's guidelines, forms should ideally be filled by one person, with optional assistance from any others who witnessed the same event. The Institute also values, however, parallel forms made by two or more different parties both separately witness to the same event.
Thanks so much, that means a lot!
I'm always slightly jealous of those who played before the GE. Seeing those old images of Falador park with each little "zone" for each type of good/service looks like it'd really heighten the social experience (for better or worse!). I do, vaguely, remember playing with the old quest guide forums and crappy 144p videos, alongside sketchy rumours of hidden locations or treasures, from back in the day however.
Your ideas here are brilliant; especially your points about Food and Culture (Gnome cooking comes to mind!) and reusing NPCs. Having familiar faces is really useful in a city or town setting especially, as it allows a sense of community and interconnectedness. When writing urban encounter tables I usually have "Familiar NPC, 1d3 chance they're in immediate trouble" and that always works well. Honing in on skills too, one thing that always impressed me was how interconnected they were.
Smithing is good to make armour for your Defence level, or Herblore to clean the herbs from Farming.
Again, thanks for your input - you should blog this if you get a chance, I'd love to read more!
As I say on the page itself;
"This was (is?) going to be my entry to Hexcrawloween 2024!
Tragically, some medical stuff got in the way of finishing this so the project is on hold for now. Most of the art (doodles) and dungeon maps are completed but unkeyed, and a lot of what I had otherwise planned is unwritten and undeveloped, let alone unplaytested.
I do have some big future plans for this project however, so keep your eyes peeled and watch this space."
Hopefully this isn't too much of an ashcan to be submitted here. Heaven knows when/if I'll ever get this done, but until I do enjoy some fleeting glimpses of this wild and unwieldy thing.
Thanks as always,
Amazing! I like that a lot. I'm from northern England and just remembered the tradition of Bluecaps here; a type of coal mining kobold who would push the wagons about with great strength and get paid for it. I could swear there were legends of floating lights in the mines here too, but can't find anything on that beyond will o' wisps.