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I'm not gonna lie, balance a videogame is hard 🤣

All the development time was like, is it too hard? Is it too easy? I could only defeat the full Game 3 times hahaha

Glad you like the game!

I'm glad you like the game!

Yeah.. the bombs are kinda hard 😅 The tip to dodge them is to drop down in the last moment, since you fall faster than you move up wards

Very original mechanic! I liked it!

Nice arcade-like game!! I loved the graphics and VFX. Well executed.

Simple and chaotic! I liked it!

Something to improve would be the enemies, maybe a little animation for when they going to shoot, so you can play around it.

Nice game overall

Thanks for playing! I really was thinking in adding some kind of "invincibility mode", but I ran out time :P