Haha, sorry about that. It just felt better with a gamepad and saved me adding checks for the input type and provide different input hints.
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Hey, thank you, I firgured there'd be a lot of snow related game mechanics so I thought I'd use this as an opportunity to try something completely new and go for an interaction based game.
I checked your game out, really cool that you made the music for your game too. Do you have any good places to learn LMMS?
This the result of about 48hrs work for the Summer UE4 game jam.
Keeping in mind the timeframe and that everything apart from audio was produced by one person, I'd be really interested to hear people's feedback.
I currently have it in mind to take this prototype and include a simple building system to allow you to collect coins and buy barricades to enable the player to survive longer. Plus story, weapons etc.
Project Page: https://strigifo.itch.io/bless...