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A member registered Mar 25, 2022

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(2 edits)

There's not enough good slime/slime girl possession content out there, and animated scenes of this are rare as diamonds, glad to see it well implemented here. 

Just a heads up, found a bug, if you activate the mansion mission, but never set foot in the mansion, yet try to continue Sapphire's story arc on that monday evening after beating the sewer dungeon, the double possession Victoria scene will play where she asks you to introduce her to sapphire even though you've never met Victoria. 

Great scene even if I'd like to see it animated one day, but it didn't make sense since I hadn't actually entered the mansion and Emma hadn't met her yet.


Is there any way to get past the 3 soldiers after the tutorial without getting dicked over by them? Perhaps some place I can farm XP during the tutorial session? I don't know how to get past them. I try and apply everything I learned in the tutorial and they just out-damage my defense and don't allow me to get enough hits in.

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In this update, sometimes performing certain interactions with NPCs will cause the music to break and be blown out and corrupted, I'd like to be more helpful but I have no idea what's causing it unfortunately since it seems to happen at random. First when I bought the potion timer, and second when I interacted with the demoness post-contract and halfway through tier 3. I'm using an old save from an earlier version if that helps, and I'm using the one that isn't the TownOfMagic-32 version.

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I agree with this, this has some great implementations of a lot of my fetishes like consensual possession, slime girl bodysuit, etc. but it's missing pregnancy/unbirth as a status effect to make some of them perfect, the rock spitters and slimes should be able to invade Celica's body, the insects should have oviposition, and the jellyfish should be able to cum imo, cause right now it feels like things just have sex with Celica with no purpose other than increasing the lust meter.

Of course there are some people who would not want this, so it should be a voluntary toggle of some kind. Maybe reaching 100 lewdness gives you an item or option setting for it, and you can specify to Nel that you wanna use it when she's taking you for a joyride.