I'm glad you're loving the game so far!! I think I fixed the issue and have updated the game. Please let me know if this problem persists!!
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I'm glad you liked it!! ☺️ I'm not sure what's going on with your saves though- the saves work just fine on my pc and phone. 😔 I would try and use the 'save to disk' option... that saves your game onto your pc. Then, when you want to load, choose 'load from disk' and open the file you saved. That should instantly get you back to the saved spot. ☺️ If that still doesn't work, let me know and I can take a much deeper look into my game to see if there's some small error on my part somewhere haha
This game won't be discontinued, don't worry! 💜
Hmm... That might have been the problem. If you have any time for it maybe replay a completely new save just to see what happens? I had a few problems with the original game file, so I had to make a completely new one... so if you're using an old save, then that might be what caused the error!! But let me know if it still happens. 🥲
I've been slowly figuring the stats out, so they don't actually work right now lmao!! Once I figure them out, I'll be combing through the story and changing things up. I might add more touch-adverse options as well, as I know that there aren't a lot of those right now. 🤔
And thanks for letting me know!! That was exactly the reason I put that option there!! 😁
omg it's ok!! someone else said the same thing, so I have no idea whats going on there lmao I'll just send you the link to the discord server here 😭 https://discord.gg/UJH8KtMq
heehee 🤭 and I don't know why but I think that when some people play the mobile version, the UI looks a little weird or something? There's supposed to be a little icon with 3 dashes up in the right corner next to the title. You just press that and the menu should drop down. Then, there are 3 little icons that are the restart, save, and settings. Please let me know if it doesn't work though!! ☺️
I think you have to restart a new save from the beginning, unfortunately. But I'll double-check the coding when I get home from work. I changed up the gender/pronoun variables a bit, and thought I fixed them all but I might have missed some! But thank you for letting me know!!
And pixeldrain is fine 🙂
I appreciate all this feedback, thank you!!
About the heights- I wrote that particular part before I even knew what if statements were LOL I have since then figured out how to do that, and have changed it up in the story. [Just haven't updated the public demo]
And typing out the number instead of the letter thing is my little bad habit... I'm trying to break out of it 😂
Anyway, thank you again for the feedback. It's much appreciated!!
Hehehe 🤭
And no, taking her hand is supposed to be a positive addition to her approval rating, but not taking her hand isn't supposed to affect it at all. I've been going through and finding these little bugs like that all throughout the story, so I'm hoping to have it fixed by the next update. I thought all of the approval stats were up and running, and it turns out that... they were not. 😂
Thank you for bringing my attention to it though!!
hello! thank you for the feedback. You aren't a moron at all, and I'm definitely going to be going back and be changing a few things. This is, of course, not the first draft- but it will be changing constantly until I get it like how I want! 😊 I definitely want it to be a bit confusing though, considering that when MC wakes up, they don't really remember a lot about how they ended up where they are. [Like, how they ended up getting arrested? Why they were just coming out of a trance-like state?] And I want there to be a sense that maybe MC can't exactly trust their own emotions/judgment... There is more going on inside MC's head than first realized, and there is definitely going to be more explanations later on... but at the start, you should feel like you were basically thrown into this situation with no information, because that is technically what happens to MC.
But! Trust your reading comprehension- because I do! If you say something feels weirdly timed/oddly played out and doesn't make sense in the context of the story, then it means it is! And that is on me, and I will definitely be going through it again and making some changes before the next update.
Again, thank you for reading and giving some feedback! It's greatly appreciated. 😊
heheh 😊 Well, I'm glad you like it. I love writing darker/fantasy settings, so this is definitely more my element, rather than a modern day setting like Demo and SoS. [Not that I don't like writing those, though. 😁] thank you for reading!! And for always leaving me such sweet comments, it always makes my day. 🥺