Nice very good demo so far I kind like it and I might play full version when is release and is this also coming to Steam? anyway well done keep it up!
Recent community posts
maybe you should add a little more explanation to the map since it is a bit difficult to read like something name/ place location or something cause the map is currently empty and are those blue think on map something like a lake? and I think the compass doesn't seem to work, it always points north I think
Nice very good short game I like the both endings but just saying why escape and kill are have same just one endings so which one is second endings cause the game say its have 1/2 endings
and the phonk music was really good what is the name of phonk music I wanna listen whole music if you wanna tell me anyway well done keep it up!
I don't quiet get it what is the game about just talking to the woman again and again sometimes the women chance the looks then just going back to sitting to the chair and still cannot see the doctor but some couple minute the game just saying game over did I do something wrong just talking to woman and sitting the chair anyway well done keep it up!
Hi how I exit where I enter the code cause I want to check what the code was I tried press esc but nothing works I tried what to code is and what order they are in I tried everything but nothing works I thing I tried like first tv to bedroom anyway blah blah maybe I just really dumb person and don't get it and also the game also looks very good I like the emoji faces on text I might try again to solve the code anyway well done keep it up!
Nice this was very good shooting game and the game style nice I like it and I notice this was release on Jan 28, 2024 and no one else have playing this your game I just search word shoot em up or shooter then I just notice this game and I just give try and it was fun shooter game anyway well done keep it up!
Nice this was ok game not bad at all but when I first play through I check in store the bathroom the game went to black screen I couldn't move and load the save the second play through was I finish the shopping list and went to the car but the shopping list didn't disappear, so there some that need to be fixing but also the game was good anyway well done keep it up!