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Devs That Jam

A member registered Jan 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Great portfolio of work here! Feel free to also join our discord  to use our team finding channels if you’re interested!

hello - can you not reupload the project and try submitting the new one? 

Good luck everyone!!

(6 edits)

Hello again! 🙋‍♀️

Devs That Jam is back with another 36hr game jam starting this Saturday! 🤘👾

If you are interested in participating, join here:

If you can’t make it this month, we run a 36hr jam on the last weekend of every month! You can find the links to future jams here: 

Why should you join a DTJ36 jam?

👯‍♀️ A short 36hr jam that always starts on a Saturday to give you enough time to create something fun without cutting into your Friday night plans! 

👥 Community chosen themes, monthly theme culling sessions and a suggestions box! Submitter and contributor voting with a moderated winner determined by the community vote.

🎁 Small monthly prizes for the winning team / individual with a permanent place on the Hall of Fame on the DTJ website.

⌛️Forgiving deadline extension for late submissions.

🗓️ Monthly recurring jams, so no FOMO!

👩‍💻 Discord server dedicated to giving you a fun jam experience with team building channels, support channels, and submission share channels!

👉👈 Jams and discord server ran by an individual dev who just wants to help people build their game dev portfolio :) 

Thanks! 👋

Congrats on your submission! :) If you'd like to provide feedback for us to improve the jam, theres a #feedback channel in the discord with a google doc form!

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Congratulations to YoghurtDrop, Finn and Dirk J. Neefs with their submission: Strictly Confidential!

Thank you to everyone who participated. Our next jam is already live on, and starts on July 27th! You can join next months jam here:

Congratulations to everyone who submitted!

Couldn’t submit in time?? No worries! Join the DTJ36 discord server to request a Late Entry Link:

Enjoyed the jam? Join next month’s DTJ36:

Hi ~ you're allowed to use free / paid assets and follow tutorials! As long as assets are referenced :)

The theme has been announced and the jam has begun! Good luck to all participants! 

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The Jam will start at 11am and the chosen theme will be announced!

If you’d like to vote for your favourite theme, the selection form is locked at 10am. Vote here:

If you’d like to join the Devs That Jam discord server to keep informed on Jan updates and have access to support channels, join here:

Yes that’s completely fine! DTJ36 doesn’t enforce the “made from scratch” rule most game jams do - as long as the submission itself is made uniquely for this jam, reusing your pre-made assets is welcome :) 

If you are using assets which aren’t your own, make sure to attribute the creator! 

Fancy getting stuck into a short, fun, community-led game jam? The Devs That Jam 36-hour challenge is the jam for you! Join here:  🎉🎊

DTJ36 runs on the last weekend of every month, and is a great way to develop your dev skills! 👾

Themes are suggested, culled, and selected by the Devs That Jam discord community! There’s also a small prize for the winner / winning team! (Photo below)👇 

Feel free to join over 250 like-minded jammers today! Discord Link: 🔗

Hey Rafaelos!

We have a discord server that you’re welcome to join which has team channels! This might make it easier to find teammates ~

Feel free to join here if you’re interested:

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Congratulations to KaiHarris and HummusThing with their submission: F.O.R.K!

Thank you to everyone who participated. Our next jam is already live on, and starts on June 29th! You can join next months jam here:

Hey Farek! Here's a link to the discord server:

Congratulations to everyone who was able to make the deadline! 

Voting is now open until 10pm Wednesday (GMT). 

If you did not make the deadline, no stress! You can still upload your project until 10pm tomorrow via a generated link (Your game will be open to public vote, but not be eligible for prizes!). 

To request a link, you must be apart of the Devs That Jam discord community. Scroll down to the #Late-entry-link  channel where you can request a ticket to get a link.

Hello! Yes you can use free assets and any assets that aren’t your own, as long as you have permission to use them and credit the creator! 

~ FORK ~

Welcome to this month’s Devs That Jam 36 hour challenge!! 🍯 👾

The jam will start tomorrow at 10am, and the theme will be announced here and in our dedicated discord server. ⏰ 

There’s still time to vote on your favourite theme for this months jam HERE 🗳️

If you’re an avid game jammer and are looking to join a community of likeminded devs, feel free to join our server HERE 🎮

Happy Jamming! 🤘

Hello! Devs That Jam is a community of devs that love to participate in game jams, and we run our own monthly jam! 

This month’s jam takes place this weekend. Feel free to join here:

If you’d like to join a community of over 150+ devs who love game jams, join our discord!

Hi everyone! Thanks to everyone who participated in DTJ36 April. The jam was a lot of fun and a huge success! 

Unfortunately DTJ36 May isn’t showing up in the jam calendar presently, but we are definitely running a jam THIS WEEKEND! 

If you’re interested, join here:

Congratulations to DragonBean with their submission Follow The Light! You can play the submission here:

Next months jam is already live on, if you're interested join here:

Glad you enjoyed, thanks for participating! Loved you submission :)

Hey you can reupload this game if you'd like with a working build! Your game will count as a late sub but you'll be open to voting (just not prizes)! You just need to request a late submission link in the DTJ discord [] and you will have to create a new submission page.

You can re upload using a late submission link which you can request via discord: 

- you’ll have to make a new game page and send the new pages URL to ‘late submission link request’ (your game will be open to voting but not eligible for this months prizes)

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Congratulations to everyone who was able to make the deadline! 

Voting is now open until 10pm tomorrow (GMT). 

If you did not make the deadline, no stress! You can still upload your project until voting closes via a generated link (Your game will be open to public vote, but not be eligible for prizes!). To request a link, you must be apart of the Devs That Jam discord community. Scroll down to the #Jam_Support channel. There you will see 'Late Submission Link Requests' where you can add a URL link to the game you'd like to submit, and a direct message with a moderator will be opened. [your game must be uploaded to itch before requesting a link]

hello! The jam doesn’t finish until 10pm tonight (uk time) so there’s still time to submit :)

wow you made your game in only 2 hours?? Very impressive!!

This months theme is... FOLLOW

Thank you to everyone who voted on this months theme! We will be announcing the theme in the #announcements Channel in discord, and under the ‘theme’ section on the jam page at 10am! 

It’s so great to have you guys here! Thanks for joining~ Can’t wait to see what you create!

Devs That Jam is a virtual community of devs who love to participate in game jams! This is run entirely through discord.

Regular updates regarding this jam will be posted on our discord channel over the weekend!

Join here:

Hey nice to meet you! 👋 Scratch is a great tool, can’t wait to see what you create!

(4 edits)

Hi! I'm starting up a 36 hour game jam that runs on the last weekend of every month :) 

Our first ever jam is starting on Saturday the 27th of April @ 10am. Join here:

The Devs That Jam community hosts over 130+ game devs who love to jam, and we're starting our own community run game jam which is laid back and beginner friendly. Want to build your game dev portfolio and join likeminded people who love to jam? Feel free to join our discord server here:

This months prizes includes:

- A £10 steam gift card

- A funky Devs That Jam keyring

- A DTJ36 winners badge

- A permanent spot in the Hall of Fame on out website! []
