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Diana Ridaura

A member registered Dec 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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That was my first attempt of make a game so it makes me very happy that you like the atmosphere :D thank you for the feedback!!

:D Thank you!! We are going to make more clear the interaction with the Seeds to avoid confuse moments in the final versión :) we have some ideas, at last we're trying hahaha

Funny narrative, love the crazy-time-nightmare colors in the background, and clocks animations. The control of the player is precise but I find the gameplay a little bit hard to my skills (died a ton of times hahaha). Really useful the quick travel between portals!!

I am a person with ZERO knowledge of electronics, so it was impossible for me to figure out how to solve the circuit (even with the resources in the about  ._. ) but anyway had a fun time trying. And the graphics are really nice!

Challenging game with funny sound efects and cool transitions. I like the way you need to  observe carefully the movement patterns of everything to find the gap where you can get in and move along. I've had a good time finding the right path, really love it :)

Cool hability game with a cute art and a music that fits very well. I find a little dificult at first to find the correct timming to go across the level. After finish level 1 I read again the controls of the game,and noticed that I have the time skill, that alows you to stop time and freeze enemies. So I played the level 2 in a totally different way, I like this two posibilitys of gameplay, even if the first one was a missunderstud :D