Can we expect a 1.1 version with the typos fixed?
Recent community posts
I have a small question regarding CATegory scaling of powers. Blast says that it's strength scales with CAT. Does the strength of powers like Severance or Fury also scale with CAT regarding the rules of category difference, or only the size/area part of those powers gets scaled up? If I try to cut a fly-sized category 7 sin with a CAT 1 Severance power, does it become impossible (more than 3 categories higher) or is it a normal/advantageous roll (heavy furniture size vs fly size)?
I have a couple of questions about some specific units.
If spending a token is not optional, then in which order of priority do you have to spend your tokens with units that "may use some tokens as others", like Warlord's Fueled by rage, or Painwheel's Hellwheel?
If the Igorri's stitch is killed by an effect that makes you leave something other than a corpse, like the banshee's freeze soul, does the second corpse also turn into that something?
Typo: The igorri unit Strigoi is described as a Deadsouls Hunter instead of an Igorri Hunter.
Typo: The Goregrinders Tyrant has the trait Formation, which is supposed to be unique for Carcass units, is that intentional?
Typo: Abhorer stances that have special round effects are written as (Round 5+), except in the SOUL upgrades section, in which are written as (R5+).
Typo: Some of the minion upgrades have end punctuation, some of them dont. It's not really that important, though.
I think I saw some others while reading through the rules but I don't remember all of them right now. Loving the game so far btw, might even make a board and some props to play physically.