fnf tomorrow
that better be true or else im gonna be
s o a n g r r r y >:(
i hate you
gosh it would be SOOO cool and sick if they happened to drop an update today, am i right..??
none of them have it
hunches that the update is coming
cuz ballz give us the sing power lol
or well... idk
they said they were on holidays break and they are going to resume working soon (if not they already have)
uhhhhhh no
ermm what the sigma
no its ACTUALLY illegal for anyone to make any kind of friday night funkin content without JohnnyUtah's blessing
theyyy did not? just create the folder by yourself if it isn't there
u have to beat weekend 1 in story mode to unlock pico
maybe its your input offsets, they're broken rn
try setting them to 0ms
its caused by the input offset setting, just set it to 0
and yea it sucks
its your input offset
any other value than 0ms will break your game