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A member registered Apr 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

QQ: is it me or in the Intelligence Matrix example of use (p.29 - 30), we discard basically all but one of the content rolls? Is expected use to build on previous results or do you just keep going til something clicks?

Suggestion: The LCP Data has some spoilers for the Campaign. It would be better to have 5 files, one for each Mission.

Hi, maybe you already saw this but the LCP file is in this here "public" page, not in the downloads once you buy the supplement.

Oh, I guess that makes sense. Thanks.

On page 67, Regret's Chain Axe damage is listed as 3, but it should be 7 as per Core Rules.

Well, page 54 explicitly references a map that isn't there :/

I am loving and devouring the setup, the story and the additional rules, but, for such a tactical game with such gorgeous illustrations, and considering the times we are living in, I am a bit disappointed that no combat maps are provided.

Is there ever a plan to release that type of GM aid?

Well... At the exported size, squares are 85px in size, which makes it a little bit hard to tile automatically in GIMP (since so far I haven't figure out how to make a 42.5 px grid). What I do is I make an 85 pixel grid and then I copy and offet it a couple times. The resulting squares are "irregular" by one pixel, but they line up across the whole map (which isn't the case for 42px squares). 84px per square would be a great size (easily divided by 2 or 3). Thanks for your reply!

Great tool!
The only thing I don't like is the grid scale, and I'm trying to see if there's an easy way around that (I think I figured out an easy reproducible workflow in GIMP), but I would also love to have the option to change the grid density!