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A member registered Apr 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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  • Shouldn't you just use the lead cart to select direction to river.

Also, truly charming game.

Godos for the dev.

For me too, and I'll give you pexota's other kidney!

I am yet to experience Reiko,
but I can say you're not being overly dramatic about Koko.


你再像個殭屍一樣,我就開始講一個發生在 1989 年 6 月 4 日的事件。如果您不知道,撇開所有的揶揄:認真地不要開始挖掘,因為它可能真的會讓您陷入麻煩。(ʘ‿ʘ)



Indeed, came here to check out whether the linux-version is found as full release.. (๑¯ਊ¯)σ (•ิ_•ิ)

Awwscheiße, I wrote you a really nice reply (If I do say so myself) I do not remember what it was about, but do take solace to how nice it was.
And, apparently I did not click send.. that, or it was somehow so truly and utterly offensive, maybe sprinkled with some company secrets, or sumshit; Enough for it to get nuked of the website.. || But that couldn't be it.. (Remember how nice I told the msg was..)

TL;DR: So, I'll just jump in and clarify how I came across your work.. And you might be dissapointed, tho´, as it does not imply a potential rush of some fandom of folks clicking on a link sent by their emperor overlord.. No, it was just I scrolling through the site, seeing an interesting game with a native linux version, then checking from the 'Similar games'-popup to repeat the process.. At some point coming across your game.. Which, contrary to those 2K to 7K of unplayed games on my HDD, was intriguing enough to warrant a closer look, then you were tapped in with part of the troubleshoot log; Afterwards you sent me a reply; I fumbled the response, And a month later I came into existance in your mind again, So here we are again, you reading what you thought you'd see from a re:reply that never actually was;
While in reality, you are in your dark closet, apart from your laboured breathing, quiet as a church mouse, eyes closed.. Trying to hide from the creatures skittering out of sight, Doomed forever more to be nothing but a glimpse of a shadow, hiding in the confines of your peripheral vision..

(2 edits)

Trying to play the A-M-O.x86_64 executable for linux, but:

Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing?

If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension)


Edit: Joinked the .pck file from that bitten-apple zip, starts up fine.
Now to just fight the epidemic of devs forgetting to include 'Invert Y-Axis'
M'jeah, 'Game Off 2023'-submission, so acceptability level should be adjusted if that is what the dev(s) want; Or do they want to strive for perfection; And if there is an oversight, it just means we're but on a pen-ultimate version.୧(•̤̀ᴗ•̤́๑) ᵎᵎᵎᵎ

Been missing Invert-Y ;<

a Dev whom holds on to their integrity, tells a great story, and also there are tits involved.
 This game needs to be made.

(2 edits)

I figured I couldn't have been the only one..
I think it's more from the fact that the price levels have changed, since now the 50% sale comes up to $10, which was the full price when I bought the game, but since I too bought it on sale(i.e payed $5), thus will not accept it as enough for the highest tier i.e newest version.
 Though it was when I bought it. And I keep getting Email updates every for every new version.
And while I do not mind supporting the devs, like I feel I have by purchasing the DLC's.
  Still, I do not feel it to be fair if back then the tier I paid was the highest, but after a price adjustment I would need to pay for it again.. especially since other platforms, after paying, would just count as User owns game [×] -Keep updated in library.
-But I do not think the devs are automatically at fault, I'm thinking it's the result of how handles the price levels of what you've payed.
But if the devs will not help resolve this matter.. and if I were to just pay for the game again.. first of all I don't think it would work by just adding $5 to the $5 I already payed; <Please correct me if I'm wrong>
And were I to pay the $10 now, if the price raises for just a dollar, the $5+$10 both during 50% sale, (if spent together,'d count it as $30 spent.. but separate, again would amount to highest single transaction, so enough for the $1 dollar tier..
-That's about as clear as I can articulate the matter.. Now it's up to the devs and perhaps support how they weigh the spirit of the deal, reliability and trust of the user/gamer/wanker/customer.

Edit: Tried to make post more succinct... I Failed.
So if you made it to the end, as a reward, I shall wish upon a star, for each and everyone of you to meet the wettest, grippiest, ball-slap-happiest ladies out there.. You're welcome.
PS. And any ladies left wanting what to do with that new lady-friend of their own.. Fret not, I shall wish to meet you both.

Respect for the linux version, bought it as soon as I saw it.

Indeed…  This game has been one of the; if not the only HQ adult themed game on with a native Linux build that I am yet to purchase..
As I do not want to get burned, and later come to find that support for my favoured OS, Linux; has been dropped entirely.
But if there is a problem in allocating time to test other OS builds, I can volunteer my time and effort for testing Linux builds. Plus, it wouldn't be my first foray into bug-hunting, as my brother is a game dev in the indie field. And judging from the fact that he keeps putting me up to it, I must not be that bad at finding bugs, then finding ways to reproduce the problem.

But not matter the way you in Momoiro Software decide to go about it, I do hope to find the continued support for Linux on your game's OS roster. (And I suppose for Macs as well, for that guy's sake.. If there is time.)

That, sir.. Is an important question, and you freakin´ nailed it.. thus capturing zeitgeist of today's future.
Or in other words, I too would like to experience hearing the dev's correct answer.

if you're stuck Mr.Admiral M., What are you writing here about it; you should try some lube to unstuck yourself.. o_Ó

The vanishing diary cements many facts.

Those asymmentric dark spots in the level background w/ a black ball; makes versus matches' per player skill-requirement asymmetric as well.
Also the ability to start a match on que (requiring a button press) would not be harmful for the experience, either.

Kinda cute 'n I can see potential within said cuteness.. Like if the game continues  to develope, expand, & up the ante' (I dunno.. like with different enemies simultaneously, thus even just a one enemy variation could end up slicin´ n' stylin´ a new look for the protag. Especially if there'd be more angles the enemy attack could come from. ) [Could be awe-balls too, if combined with it, there'd be an angle dodge-mechanic (You'd be like the first one to implement such a thing ; )
Also Mel, I too did like the architectural-engineering, as I found it fitting. Tho' what did kinda stick out, was the lower reso look on the facade of the house when compared to rest of the environment..  (Unless of course there'd be some in-world explanation for it, then, of course any bird among us would happily live on their low reso lives.) Tho' other than those, there is not much else one could glean from the game, being a prototype 'n all.
 So, in conclusion.. Nice stylin´ Melisa.. And I suppose you did stuff too, JojoX.. You deserve a thumb.. Aaw hell, I'm in a good mood.. You deserve both of your thumbs.

Addendum: If my comment sounds more weird than it is supposed to, the reason is I'm writing under the assumption, that both of you worked on the game, in one degree or another.
Addendum-2: Despite having that lovely Tux on the OS-icons, I did not see a linux executable in the game's directory.. So ended up having to play with Wine, tho' that ran without a hitch, nor did it require any tinkering.



Indeed ·_·

There should be an 'accept outside application sources'-option in your phone-settings somewhere. Most likely not expressed in those exact words, but it should be in there somewhere.

Or you could just download the .apk-file to your 'com-pu-tor' and transfer it from there, to a spot where you can then locate and install it.
-But most of all, be careful.. as there is a not-insignificant chance that your innocent mind could get corrupted by exposure to 'titties and ding-a-lings' depicted in this game.

(1 edit)

I appreciate and respect the effort you've made to reply to folks. So, [[SORTA LAW-DISCLAIMER]] before I open my mouth(figuratively) to do some backseat-game-design.. I should turn-tables to try to look at things from your perspective, most notably from the aspect of being a developer of a potential hit-game.. And only imagination as a limit to what sort people are out there, I might as well disclaim from any and all stipulations toward this game and/or dev. staff considering any&all possible ideas worthy of pursuit or further development; made from or come upon by comments made in a public setting (e.g like this posting) by yours truly.

And eventhough I am not egotistical enough to think I might arrive upon an idea worthy or suitable for the game brewing inside that beatiful, juicy nogging of..(wait what?) ..of your game, yet to be fully realized in an interactable form.. So, no matter how much I'd like to give any of my ideas credence, they might not just be suited for adaptation.. But you know what they say about a broken clock.. So, if by chance I might stumble upon an idea worth pursuing, feel free to use 'em without any fear of claim of ownership..


-So, with all that out of the way; Here's my pitch: ..uhm, wait.. I actually had nothing To pitch.

-Addendum: Oh, actually, the stun-locked enemy-problem could be mitigated with a second enemy.. That would incentivise the player to adapt to juggle enemies, or keep moving.. And the 'attack-animation interruption', while empowering the player, could also give you to the excuse to make the enemies more able to attack the player more readily, i.e when they're on the move.. (though mitigation of the damage could be warranted..
-Both in perspective of difficulty-scaling, and immersion; Picture it yourself how much more difficult it would be to apply strength to a strike when you're in hot-pursuit, while some dumbass-commentor would be running..) 
-This also would require the player to be capable to "twirl around" and strike the enemy on a moments notice..

 Also, like Manlybadass- also professed liking for this atypical mob-behaviour; That some enemies strike/get hit & take a small detour and get hungry to strike once more..(Tho' I do understand why you did it that way.. [R])
-But the mob could also just be able to jump back, --Which could also happen when the player misses the timing to strike at the right moment, or perhaps strikes with some sub-optimal weapon(If other weapon forms are planned)
  ..But some of these would require more thought on enemy placement, to keep things balanced.. Not to mention extra animation-work)..  
     Also, some players simply might not like all that much if all the enemies are aggressive, capable of striking as they're moving, and slink away, just to come back to strike again while chasing.. -So, while knowing some wieners are whiners all the way anyway.. -There should still be a need for the, if you excuse the term: the default-class enemy, you've already presented..

  -But all this is more of a question of where do you want to allocate the effort and resources.. Because intriguing in-world story-telling, which you've been doing great btw, are more then able to carry a game..

 Thus, for purposes of extra-resources, I would've paid++ for your demo, but that being non-possible, I can only indicate interest with ideas, and help you to add more resources for development by vowing not to disturb you with'em again.

--So, if you read this up to here, I can only offer you 5-stars and a parrot-sticker made purely from imagination.
And relieve you of duty to reply.  -d

Edit: F*damn typos.

How about for interactive fighting, you'd need to interrupt their winding to attack-animation, and not just spam attack yourself?

I'm just happy ShawnHeatherly is happy to hear from you.

Will we see the Linux-version update to ≥1.4.1?

I'm pointing my finger and laughing at you.