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A member registered Nov 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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 yes as updates go on some elements that were exclusive to the supporter version will become accessible from the free version, but with each update content will be added to the supporter version in order to expand this version as a priority. On the other hand, some elements such as cosplay outfits will only remain accessible via the supporter version. If you have any other questions, I remain at your disposal.

You're welcome.

Thanks to you and have fun.


For now in the MK1 version there are only 2 shapes and 4 poses, but the MK2 version which comes out on August 29 will add new ones.

Thank you, and take care of yourself.


Thank you very much for this kind comment, it makes me very happy, I am indeed thinking of a release on Steam a little later, but honestly the fear of failure slows me down a lot, in any case I will think about it.  Thank you, and take care of yourself.

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THANK YOU very much, your comment makes me very happy.  See you in August for the new big update.  

Thank you for your support and Take care of yourself.


indeed this can sometimes be a problem, the solution for the moment is simply to do an "Alt" + "Enter" to put the game in window mode, then move the window to the desired screen with the mouse and then redo  an "Alt" + "Enter" to return the game to full screen.  Then, during the next launches, the game should systematically launch on the correct screen.  

I hope I was able to help you and I will try to integrate the possibility of choosing your screen in the next update.  

Thank you, take care of yourself.

Ah I'm glad you managed to download it. Don't hesitate to rate Female Forge if you liked it, and in August the MK2 version will arrive. 

Take care of yourself

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ok  I'm sorry but I don't understand the exact nature of your problem. do you want personalized help via discord?

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Thank you for your interest in Female Forge.  There will soon be more customization with MK2 which will be available in August, I hope you can try it (on Windows for now).  Take care of yourself


Thank you for your feedback.  I might make an Android version when Female Forge is more advanced, for now I'm devoting myself entirely to its development on Windows.


I just checked and there is no problem with MEGA, the link is functional and the download is available. Maybe try changing your browser.

Hello, yes the pro version is very heavy, to delete it you simply have to delete the files because there is no installation. Then simply empty your trash.

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No, I'm sorry but Female Forge does not contain any assets that could be used under daz studio.  

Female Forge is a 2D application that contains only PNGs.


I'm sorry this isn't clear. 

SO-03 = Secret Outfit 03. 

To unlock this outfit you will need to equip yourself with 3 elements (top - bottom - shoes) which resembles the SO-03 thumbnail.  

Thank you for your comment and I hope you manage to unlock this outfit (there will be more soon...)

Thank you very much, that’s a pleasure, I’m really happy that you like it.

RenderLab's community · Created a new topic Requests

If you would like to make a request about an addition or other related to RenderLab's, you can make your request here.

Here you can report if you encounter a problem or bug with RenderLab's.

Hello, why can't you unzip the archive?

Lol, it is actually planned that I add sex scenes, be patient, it will happen.

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it, I'm trying to do something different from what you can already find.  

Take care of yourself

Thank you very much for your comment, for the moment RenderLab's is not very advanced, but future updates will be more substantial than the previous ones in order to make it an increasingly complete game.  

If you have any special requests regarding future additions, do not hesitate to go to my discord (link to RenderLab's main menu) to make your requests, or simply discuss the project. 

Take care of yourself.

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I'm glad you like RenderLab's.  I am actively working on the next update (0.5), it should be available at the beginning of January 2024. 

(Thanks for the comment, it really makes me happy)