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A member registered Dec 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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This game changed my life.

Ok so before I played this game, I had no money, no job, and no hope. I had just got a call from my doctor and he said that I tested positive for ebola and also AIDS. All my friends had abandoned me after I accidentally burnt down each of their houses on separate occasions, and I was homeless because I also accidentally burnt down my own house.

But then while browsing as I so habitually do, I found this game. I thought I'd give it a play, and went in with low expectations. 
I was a little underwhelmed when I started playing. The controls were simplistic and the environment was minamilist. But the more I played, the more I understood, and the more my eyes were opened to my place in the societal hierarchy.

I looked at that small cube, adrift in that beautifully-rendered forest, and wondered if maybe I was like that cube, and maybe if those flowers were metaphors for my callous pyromania. After I played this game, I took a long look at myself in the mirror. And I decided to change.
I turned my unusual talent for burning down houses into a job as a demolitions expert, and worked my way through the ranks. I apologised to my friends and used my new-found clarity to become a successful motivational speaker. I was so popular, a celebrity heard about my ebola/AIDS situation and personally funded research into a cure. 

I got married the next spring, and went through all of life's beautiful cliches: picnics in the park, our 1 year engagement, the decision to adopt, changing my kid's nappies, watching them go to nursery, to school, to university. 

I grew old and watched my family grow, and while there was drama and dispute and anger, there was happiness too. I remember that final day of my life, surrounded by my family, and looking into my son's beautiful eyes. I remember, as I closed my eyes for the last time thinking that my whole life changed because of this one game.

So yeah, in conclusion, great game. lol



Great game! The audio fits in really nicely and it's very fun to play. The mechanic is cool as well. I do feel the difficulty curve was a bit high but maybe I'm just bad at puzzles. :)

Hi everyone!

I'm a starting out game developer and I've recently finished a puzzle-platformer game  which is available for free. I'd really love to hear what everyone thinks of it, and so far it hasn't gained much of an audience which is why I'm posting here. Please check it out: there's a bout 3 hours of content and I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you!