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A member registered Jun 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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The link was down until a new patch was released. You can download now.

Thank you for the honesty. I am currently uploading a patch with brightness settings and minor bug fixes. I am am also slightly nerfing Sirenhead.

Thank you for the review. I apprechiate the feedback. I am currently uploading a patch to nerf sirenhead and add a brightness option in the settings. It seems like the game is too dark for everyone but its fine on my screen for some reason.

I have seen the video you made on my game. The game is indeed complete. There is a button in the room you made it into in the end and you need to press it. I will release a hotfix soon that will make the game a little bit brighter. Thank you for the feedback.

You have to shoot him only once for him to get stunned. You have to reload when you first get the gun to get all the bullets.

Thank you!