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A member registered Sep 21, 2022

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It needs to be put somewhere.

I want to add that I am a Crimean Tatar and I am for Ukraine. And I do not know what you did not like in the previous comment, but the language is not to blame for what is going on in your head. I just want understanding and a lot of language in this game and not only.

More than 250 million people speak Russian. Ukrainians and people similar to them in their views are able to do this without any problems.

(1 edit)

Never played.

I start the game, new game, name, loading and black screen. There is music, it reacts with sound to mouse clicks. The game has loaded but the picture is not there, it says loading, the cow and the person do not move, or just a black screen.

Problem, black screen and music, sounds are heard when you tap on the screen.

I recommend MTool as a translator.