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A member registered Apr 03, 2024

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Thanks a lot! 

I completed the story mode, after which new items appeared in the sandbox. There should have been a night vision device among them, but I didn’t find it there (I checked the “display spoilers” checkbox). Who knows what to do in such a situation? How to find NVG in sandbox?

I have this achievement and I checked the box, but I still don’t have a night vision device. 

What is the name of this achievement? 

I lived until day 49, but I still couldn’t find them in the sandbox (I checked the show spoilers box), I need to try searching again. Thank you! 

Just try not to lose it, otherwise, as it turned out, you can’t get it through the sandbox

The NVG appears in the tree house sometime after 21 days. If you replace the NVG with shrimp, the Arirals will forgive you for this theft.

Hello, I'm playing in an endless world, setting up a base. I have everything: from decorations to gravity guns, but I don’t have nvg, because I couldn’t find it in the creation menu in the sandbox. Taking it in story mode is not an option, because to do this, i need to play there for 20 days. Does anyone know how to get it?

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!

Initially, I had a save in story mode, and the cannon was there, but the day counter stopped at day 49. This annoyed me, so I decided to move to the infinite along with all my things. then one of two things: either I’m a fool, or the game is bugged, but in the end my things from the mailbox simply disappeared, along with the gravity gun. Now I’m wondering whether I need to create a new save in the story save and wait for this signal or whether it will appear in the endless one.

Hello, tell me, is it possible to find a gravity gun in endless mode without cheats? 

So I have to wait a bit and the story mode will automatically turn into endless? And I won't have to create a new slot and start all over again in a new mode? Friend, thanks for the tip! 

Как собирать эту ферму я понял, но кто-нибудь знает, можно ли её разобрать? А то я сюжетку завершил, перехожу в бесконечный, хочу все свои пожитки перекинуть через почтовый ящик, а заново копить деньги и мусор на новую ферму не хочу.