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A member registered Mar 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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It's unique. Though it's unclear how to progress in game. Not necessarily bad if the game is going for being overwhelming but not for me.

Thanks for playing! I have been meaning to get back to my game and work on it again, but I'm dealing with a lot of serious IRL problems and I haven't been able to.

I've looked into this and unless a user downloads the game from itchios app not the normal browser version (or steam in the future when I release my game there), or unless I pay a costly subscription, the warning won't go away.

If I can fix it I will, but I can't promise anything.

Thanks for helping them.

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Thanks for the info. I'll look into it.

Edit: It seems in order to obtain code signing I need to pay for a subscription, so that's not an option for me. It also appears that places like steam don't force you to use it which is a relief since I can't afford it.

Thanks for the screen shot. This will be a huge help in fixing the issue!

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I don't know why the jet engine upgrade crashes your game. It works perfectly on my end. I can't trigger it to crash at all.
I will change the nanoshield so it no longer blocks lava. I've also fixed Mark respawning but I haven't uploaded that build yet, but I will.

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Thanks for playing! I've been listening to all the recent reviews from SAGE 2024 and fixed A LOT of the issues! I'm definitely going to change the nanoshield, sectors becoming uncorrupted after killing the bosses, nerfing the x swing, guidance for the player after getting the dash, etc... as well.

- XGA leaving returns original music
- escaping XGA resets the XGA detection orbs so they will work again
- XGA stab death animation after player is already dying glitch, has been fixed
- Boss grace period flashes at lower transparency
- sector 4 one way door skip has been fixed. The door is now further away from the switch so you cannot hit the switch on the otherside anymore.
- killing turtle boss while spinning no longer keeps playing the whirlwind sfx after
- slowed ability usage down to -1 ammo per second
- nerfed nuclearblast a lot!
- nerfed spiked mine damage from 4 to 2
- picking up any upgrades while in the X saber spin animation no longer freezes player
- control remapping now always uses the same input as original 'jump' so it's less confusing
- sector 1 regular ost now loops more smoothly
- The Room Mark is hiding out now doesn't respawn
- Screen size settings are saved when any changes are made. Loaded immediately upon starting the game.
- Audio settings are saved when any changes are made. Loaded immediately upon starting the game.
- Control Remapping settings are saved when any changes are made. Loaded immediately upon starting the game.
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After selecting start a new game, it faded to black and it's frozen now.

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Yes it's the full game. But the special edition version will be released sometime next year.

I've done a lot of bug fixes since the previous version. 

I'd appreciate it if you could check it out :)

"This isn't an issue, it's a recycled sprite and is intended because pixel art is really expensive.
I've left it in for so long because it seemed fun and used the art budget at the time on other animations."

Ok. I assumed you made the pixel art yourself. 

"The doors is intended as a workaround to a collision bug in Unity/PhysX where if you have two separate colliders next to each other, even if they're exactly lined up perfectly, other colliders (i.e. the player) will get snagged where they meet, causing them to stop moving."

I see. I have not used the Unity engine before. 

"Controls are included in the README.txt located in the .zip bundled with the game, these controls include the keys for diagonal aiming.

They're shown here in the Controls Menu, although I apologize for not expressly naming them "Aim Diagonally Up" and "Aim Diagonally Down". I will include this change in the next update. Should probably remove Inject Tank as well since that's a disabled feature."

Strange. I was aiming the joystick diagonally. I also tried my left and right triggers but nothing happened.

"If you look at the map tiles, you'll see they follow the controls, they're not actually inverted. Might look that way because of the grid."

It was still confusing though. I recommend you change it.

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I've beaten the game in about 17 mins. Overall it was decent though there's things to improve.
-There's sprite issues like when pressing down while midair the character sprite is upside down.
-Some annoying collision issues like the floor sided doors being slightly lower than the surrounding collision blocks meaning you have to jump to get over them.
-cannot aim diagonally 
-moving on the map screen feels bad because of the inverted controls.
-charging animation is not clear when it's finished charging.


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Thanks :) I tried to make a version of metroid fusion that still allowed for sequence breaking and more player freedom.

Anything you'd like to see done differently with the game?

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Late reply but it seems you're right- the install does try to install game maker studio and not the game. I'll try to fix that.

EDIT: Fixed!

Is there a problem? 

Hi again. Here's a link to my discord, though it only lasts for 30 days.

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Thanks for playing! In my dev version I've added a better options menu to adjust not only audio but other things too. I'm gonna update, though I'm not sure what to do about the linux versions as Game Maker handles licenses differently now. 

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Also, do you remember how your map got so buggy with the markers? I tried for ages to fix it previously but I couldn't find out why it happened.

Thanks for playing!

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Hi! It's been a long time since I've checked out these comments. I'm glad to see my game left a positive impression for you despite the bug 😅

Though I can't do a mobile version because game maker studio 2 makes you pay a subscription now, and I'm not gonna give them money for a scummy forced subscription when the original version I bought wasn't one.

No it's probably working on win7 since it works on win10 for me. I put that message there in the past because I someone had played it on win7 (I think?) but it didn't work for them somehow.

Nice. When you've completed the game, I'd like to know what you think of it.

I don't have one ready made, nor did I make any kind of plan for my game. I just kept adding rooms for the most part.
I think I should change my game so that there's navigation room hints for the last few bosses, because it seems to be too confusing for most people when playing my game. Plus there's bugs that need fixing too.

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Sorry about that! It looks like my game still needs more work done on it.
Thanks for telling me about this bug.
Did you try re entering the room after killing the gorilla boss?

Thanks. So for the motion sensor doors (the ones with the blue eye diamond that can detect you and shut it's door), you need the invisibility upgrade which iirc you get from fighting a boss in sector 2 when there's lava everywhere, at the place where you escape the big flower boss's area.

Edit: So it looks like my game is beatable after all. I mention how at the top of my game's page.

Oh thank god it worked! Also, I seemed to spawn the item recently somehow, by quitting the game and reloading my save file after killing the gorilla, but I didn't know what was happening or if others would be able to do this trick.

Also, glad to hear you liked the game :) as for a sequel, I'm probably not gonna do one and instead (if I ever get access to Game Maker studio again) just expand the original (I wanted to make a final area for the final boss fight).

The monkey boss is supposed to drop the next upgrade to progress but doesn't because of a bug.

I'm happy you guys enjoy this game.

Though I really wish GMS2 would let me work on my game again...

Thanks for playing!

I would continue working on it, if game maker studio didn't lock me out.

Nah it's probably just a glitch I haven't fixed. 

Though if you ever want to try making your own game one day, I'd advise you don't playtest your game yourself (like I did playing through every level hundreds of times, just looking for bugs), but have others do it for you if possible. Otherwise you'll get burnt out on making your game and start to hate it.

I'm glad you like it :) What makes it appealing to you in the first place?

Also, Metroid Dread HYPE!!

Thank you!

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Thanks for trying it out mate :) sorry about the bugs! I'll try and fix them quickly!

Thanks for pointing this out to me, I'll fix it.

Thanks for trying out my game anyways, sorry this happened to you though =(

Yeah it should work since the file name I uploaded is the exact same as the previous one, so the ini save files I use for my game's save system can't tell the difference and basically let you play any different version as long as it has the same id. Though if it doesn't work then Idk.

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I *think* I've fixed the crashes now (the sector 3 train crash was due to an object needed for the game's code not existing (because I forgot to put it there like the other ones)) and the xvision I think I've fixed as well now.

Now I've replaced the game file with an updated one without the game crashing bugs!

Oh no! I'll try and fix the crashes right away! Thanks for telling me this btw =)