What date is the next update
ok sorry I am just really excited
When is the update going to be finished
How close are we from the grand release
When is the next update
Will there be more pregnant forms in the future with different characters
Every month is a joy because a developer is keeping up with there game and each update is a banger after banger after banger
You should add a pokedex to the game to keep track of what mons you found
Nevermind got it
How do I get odenval to be marked so I can turn him into a barmaid
How do I get all barmaid forms in one playthrough
When will the next update be released
is there a date on when the next update will be released
I was also wondering what day will the next update be public
I was wondering if you could add pregnant tf to characters like magnificent and Lewis and Greta and elami and rhianna
it would be cool if you added more age related tfs
when are you releasing an updated walkthrough
can you please make the game file available for Linux because I only have a Chromebook and I am trying to make it so I can play your amazing game