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A member registered Aug 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Quite hard! I like the simplicity of the graphics.

Took a minute to realize what was going on... switching between players seemed kinda sticky. Pretty hard, but I like the silly premise!

I'm not sure what, but this got flagged as a Trojan for me!

I love the look of the characters!

Sorry about the confusion! I edited the text above. Every dino's keyboard key is used to shoot. It's pretty frantic.

Great simple pixel art, peppy music. I didn't finish - the section I was on was pretty long  - some more checkpoints might be helpful (or maybe it's just me). I also had a number of attempts where I took off in the wrong direction. Some simple changes like making a bigger difference on each side of the platform might help or putting it close to a big gap below would help that if other people have trouble.

Great work!

Could you tell me a little more? I just tried on a second Windows 10 PC - seemed to run. I'd suspect it's the audio; but I can't say for sure. 

Don't need to spend much time on this. Thanks for helping out on GMTK rating!