My love for this big ol bug might compare its actually size, so I'll be dining finely!
Dion Dusk
A member registered Apr 02, 2019 · View creator page →
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Really great game for a first time.
Like the aesthetics, definitely dungeon-like.
Drake models are attractive and all, just a tad obnoxious in fights beyond 1v1s.
Even the boss was such a sight, though might be biased to dragons like her.
Overall, had a blast learning and adapting, and eager to see future projects!
Break Into Flareon's House and Date Him?? comments · Posted in Break Into Flareon's House and Date Him?? comments
Pocket Dungeon 0.3.0 - Corruption & Control(s) comments · Posted in Pocket Dungeon 0.3.0 - Corruption & Control(s) comments
Believed I covered everything in the demo...
This was such a fun, and difficult demo!
Fights were mostly balanced if you went at them at the right levels.
Puzzles were not that difficult, and forgiving, which I appreciate.
I made the game more difficult on my end not understanding the shop for bolstering stats, and wasted a majority of my money on capping HP, so battles panned out, but eventually won.
Overall, great demo!