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A member registered Jun 02, 2021

Recent community posts

How does the Quest standalone version of this game compare to the PCVR version?

Agreed with the quality, but has a way more serious and dark tone.

Yeah I'm gonna need chapter 3 pronto. This game is fantastic

If anyone knows of any AVNs with a similar humor in them please let me know.

Am I missing something? I feel like I've been dropped in the middle of a story.

Mother of fuck the dialogue is sending my sides into orbit. The (first if there are more) scene without Guillaume destroyed me. The gags sometimes kind of ruin sincere moments, but the banter is otherwise top-notch writing. Keep it up.

Ah, yes. A random Mega link from a random commenter that isn't the dev. That's not suspicious at all.

To add to this comment, ideally one that is compatible with the Itch desktop app for updates.

Loved the game until the introduction of literally Tifa. It really broke the immersion for me and really took me out. Does she play a large role in the game? Are there other chracters from other IPs appearing later on in the game?

Downloading v5, and the game seems to start halfway through the story. Is there a way to play the old chapters?

If you do add it, please make it optional.

There's a bug with the soundtrack. At the end of chapter 1, the scene with Valerie in the park starts a sound track with chirping noises and such. This track never stops playing.

Unfortunate. I guess I'll be passing on this then.

You don't intend to add music even when this part is finished? I personally have trouble keeping interest when playing games that don't have sound attached to them and playing my own music can make the music playing not fit the scene, so I wouldn't really be interested in playing if no music is ever planned for this part.

Is it planned to have it?

This happens for the spanking sound effect in another scene too.

Really enjoying it so far, though the opening is a bit boring and focuses on imo the least interesting of the cast in Molly. Some errors in language too but honestly that's par for the course for this genre and there wasn't really anything disruptive. curious to see where the story will go.

You might want to add tags for themes and kinks, because I'm hella not into rape and the first sex scene definitely is rape.

(2 edits)

I have an issue after the first 18+ scene in the bath, where the track with the splashing water and panting protagonist keeps going after the scene. Going into another option (checking out the bookshelf for example) doesn't end the track either. This doesn't happen if you don't go for the 18+ scene there.

Edit: Correction. Another track keeps going after the bath scene in that case: The sound of dripping water.

Edit2: It seems to be playing from the music track, not the sound effects or voice track. Maybe the game thinks it's supposed to be background music and that's why it doesn't automatically end?

Just want to let you know: I'm a cis straight guy and this entire thread has been very insightful to me. I'd never have considered the idea that male body/voice with female pronouns or vice-versa could be more hurtful/triggering than just only have cis body/voice/pronoun options

Could I suggest having the second number indicate the chapter number instead? That's more conventional and won't confuse people as much.

Yeah the language errors are taking me out of it a lot. I'm a proofreader, I'd be happy to help you out getting that fixed if you want?

It's still visible. It showed up in my New & Popular feed.

Ah, that is unfortunate. That's not something I'm interested in. Could you be convinced to make that avoidable as well in a future release?

With the release being called 1.0.0, I was expecting a finished game. You might want to rethink your version numbering system.

Please upload this game to a website that is compatible with the launcher.

Would you consider uploading this to a website that is compatible with the launcher? It'd make staying up to date a lot easier.

Focused around the MC and netorare aren't exactly the same thing. 

What kind of non-straight sex scenes are there in this game, and/or will they be avoidable?

That just means you can't install it through the Itch app. It's not a steam deck issue. Just means you need to go to the game's itch website manually and download it from there instead of through the app.

It's on Steam now

Shame this was abandoned. It was going in some really interesting directions.

(1 edit)

I can't play the game. When I click on "You're on your way home, devastated" in the opening cutscene, nothing happens and the game doesn't progress on its own. Clicking Skip does work, but it obviously skips the cutscene.

I think if the price is raised the people who bought it at the lower price have to make up the difference to get access again.

It's funny to me that you think Tien's voice is the best one. I'm European and I genuinely skip through his dialogue so that I don't have to listen to the obviously American dude trying to sound French. It's seriously the only complaint I have about any of the voice work in the game.

Dear game devs, if you need a guy/gal with a French accent, hire a French person.

Your writing skills are wasted (but very much appreciated) on AVNs, honestly. Your dialogue is hilarious.

Is it possible to get all scenes in a single playthrough? I can't find a guide for it.

Would you consider uploading this to a website that is supported by the Itch app? That way players don't have to manually check for new versions of the game.

Rollback seems to be broken. At some point, when I scrolled up to roll back, it stopped doing it. The icon for it came on screen, but it didn't leave the screen and the text didn't actually go to the previous essage. It hasn't worked again since even in a new save.