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Dirk the Red Panda

A member registered May 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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Unfortunately, we do not have a Spanish translation.

Well-executed, can't say much else without spoiling.

I live, but I'm going a different path at the moment. I'm in limbo with the characters from this story. I'm not sure whether to leave them all behind, or take a stab at their stories from a different angle (or cannon). Either way, it's nice to hear you're concerned about me. Always glad to know people cared about this project!

Hi, in terms of the setting, it is. Personally, I feel out-of-touch with the college/university lifestyle and the beach setting it takes place in. I enjoy the characters, and have had thoughts about revamping them in a post-college setting. Something where Evan's been out of school for a few years, and we're looking ahead at where the crew is. Some things would contradict the existing story, because some of the characters we've seen would come from different backgrounds/experiences.

Sorry to sound vague, but it is something that I haven't fully parted from emotionally. I think there is a story to tell for these characters, but I don't believe this is the right setting based on my ideas and skillsets.

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We'll wait and see...

(definitely not in the main story though)

I'm glad you're being honest with all of this. It was not a wise decision, and I'm glad I talked with others to help make the new decision. I definitely was winging things and creating the story more as a universe rather than a narrative. Once again, credits to my co-writers and consultants for steering me in a proper direction.

I like your idea with the Halloween special! We'll have to see what happens there...

No problem! :)

Thanks for the encouragement! This story has changed as I've grown older and figured out how I want to tell things in retrospective. It's one of those things that feels like I'm getting somewhere, even if the progress looks like a roller coaster if it were graphed.

Sorry for the confusion. The supernatural identities will NOT be in future updates. I'm shifting more into grounded themes about life and social anxiety.

Funny I see this question now, because we are adding NSFW toggle for Update 7.0. It will only apply to certain character sprites and CG's.

Good question! I'll have to check on that after finishing the 4th and final big scene. Should know in a couple of weeks.

I was mesmerized from the beginning.   Given the theme (trigger) warnings, the first few lines hit me like a truck emotionally. I was in tears through the entire story, for a variety of reasons: scared, crying, and smiling. The best way to describe this story is a "flurry of emotions".  Like how flowers flurry around throughout the scenes, the range of everything the developers did blended to make a splendid experience.

Regardless of my past experiences with these devs (Camazule for Ocean Avenue, and streaming I.C.O. by Cetus), I was thoroughly impressed with what everyone's talents.   All of them have what it takes to do their craft!  I'm going to complement each team member individually for their work:

  • Story (author): This writing felt well-spoken and immersive.  Only having seen Cetus' initial project of I.C.O., I didn't know how he would tackle this genre.  I was thoroughly blown away by the gravity and maturity displayed here.  As someone who's in my mid-twenties who went through burnt bridges and doubts of self-worth, the different scenes portraying these moments were so well-crafted and hit personally, even if I didn't go through that exact situation.  I was worried the main character become too stubborn amidst tense scenes (a trope many VN's fall into to various degrees), but it never did; all the angry moments were justified and reasonable.  Whatever inspirations and advice were taken, they were used exceptionally, and exhibit the writer's storytelling!  The roller coaster of emotions and questions to life made the reading feel how time as a concept feels: limited, but also endless.  Great story arc throughout!
  • Artwork: What a beautifully crafted art style!  I don't know exactly what you'd call it, but if I had to make an (un)educated guess, I'd say it's a mix of Aztec and Latin.  The linework and shaping blend so well to portray the abstract and tangible aspects between life and death.  Sometimes, it may feel like they blend as one, other times splitting off with their own touches.  All the characters were beautifully made, and each sprite and cg portrayed the scene perfectly.  I was immersed into the world from the get-go!  Arcadia, you knocked it out of the park, and I'll need to check more of your work!
  • Coding: Coding tends to be the silent hero of VN's; if it works fine, then casual readers don't notice, but if there are problems, everyone will complain.  Bowser compiled everything seamlessly, from menu functions to scene changes (and probably more I can't remember).  He did great stuff here, and I assume he was responsible for making sure the UI was all properly aligned and set, so props there; that stuff can always be hard to refine!
  • UI: I didn't think the graphic design would also strike emotions in me, but by golly, it did!  The pillar on one end with the other side tattering away made the story, art, and music all the more impactful.  The color palette was gorgeous, and the designs themselves mesh excellently with the artwork.  Terrific job here!  Another aspect of VN's that can be easily overlooked, especially when nothing goes wrong.
  • Music: I wasn't going to share my biases in this interview; however, I am so glad I have Camazule working on music for Ocean Avenue.  He arranged a symphony here!  Each piece sold the scene excellently and added more gravitas to it.  Going from heavy moments, to lighthearted moments, to frightening instances (and everywhere in between), the songs fit the scene's tone and amplified them.  The instrumentation and other technical arrangements were also well-refined and pleasant.  Bravo! Bravo!

We also have to recognize that this was made over a (rough) period of 1 month for a contest.  Usually, that means running against the clock and keeping the inspiration fire going.  Even after reading (and seeing) this story, I cannot believe they did it within these constraints.  Excellent execution!  Whatever chemistry and skill the team had together, it was a match made in heaven (or whatever lies beyond)!

I do not say this lightly: this is the best visual novel I ever read.  The connection between characters, the structure of the story, the tackling of sensitive topics: all of it made this VN rise to the top for me!  I highly recommend this story to anyone, even if you don't normally read visual novels.  There is something in this story for everyone!

Both will technically be updated, but it will be a very short addition to the end of day 7 for both. Day 7 is meant to lead up to the routes.

Thanks! We've been doing some spring cleaning with our outlining and planning to make these future update development run smoother.

Currently working on new backgrounds and finished some update screen art. The writing is currently being outlined for day 7. I'm giving myself and the team a rough goal of June, but I'll make a formal announcement later this month.

Interesting notes. Calm After the Storm was the final Worldvision song on Day 4.  Heaven and River were not songs I used for inspiration here.

it’s cringe, but MY cringe! XD

There are plans to update and add/revamp sprites in the future. For now, we’re taking our time polishing things, so future updates won’t feel too empty.

Yessir, it's coming!

If you need help with code, I can help you out too. I'm writing my own VN in Ren'Py, so I have experience playing through and adding my custom little touches to the project! Also, Wattson is a great coder too!

I'm honored to hear that! It's nice to see people enjoy my silly ideas.

Thanks! I'm taking my time with it, and putting what I love in it.

Does anyone know a MIDI device they can recommend using with this app? I've tried to use function keys, but they end up triggering other program actions I can't change. I've thought about getting some sort of MIDI pad or a Stream Deck, but I'm not sure if either will suffice. Thanks!

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We sure love our leggy bois!

Unfortunately, we do not have any immediate plans for a Ruben route, but he will be present throughout the other routes.

Vic is 7’1”. It could be a fun idea to make a stats page for the characters. I’d have to take some time for it, but maybe down the road. Humans tend to be 6-12” shorter on average than many anthro species. I haven’t thought much else about it as of yet.'s coming soon... :)

Ha ha, thanks. It's my first time committing to a writing hiatus, so I didn't know what the "expected" time would be. Guess I got lucky that my motivation came back earlier than expected.

This was amazing! Mikko is so wholesome! :)

I'm not sure, because I'm taking on another creative project at the moment. I'll try to work on it between that, but if I had to guess, maybe in a few months.

Thanks for the kind words! Since I started working full-time, I've been taking my time to flesh out the story before fully new updates.

I'm gonna make a post about it on here, because we're in a bit of an odd situation. So yes, but also no.

Thanks for the kind words! Since this is more of a passion project, I'm taking my time making sure our team likes what we put out.

This hurts to read. XD

Yes, but we may add NSFW scenes in the future. We will mention it in the description if we do so.

Yeah. I made those old ones myself over a year ago. It was rough!

So I realized I accidentally left extra dialogue from Day 4 in the code, so I had to remove it, and repost the update. Should be downloadable now!

Sure thing!

Thanks for the feedback. They are voicing commissions, rather than writing, but no one has asked for those things yet. I might consider adjusting the tier with specific artwork and VN content, but I'll have to ask my Patrons first for their opinion.

Good question! There is no NSFW content as of the latest update. If we decide to place NSFW content in the game, we will mention it during the update's announcement.

That's strange. I know for sure that many people downloaded the Android version and could play it. If anyone sees this comment, maybe they can give instructions on how to reinstall it properly.

The only other explanation I can think of is not having enough storage on your Android device. Sorry to hear about the issue!