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A member registered Jun 16, 2020

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I seem to be stuck with the office stuff. I have been promoted twice (several times, actually) but have not gotten an office party and I haven't been able to progress with Shiori. Any tips?

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I would like to buy this, but how is it downloaded? It's not one big 28 gig file, is it? I have somewhat slow internet (have to use a hotspot since there is no real internet in my area) so it's much easier if it's got some sort of downloader where you download a small file and it downloads the rest and can pause or resume, since 28 gigs would probably take about 15 hours, assuming it doesn't get interrupted. . 

Eh,  it's $10.  I work at Walmart (so  I'm hardly rich) and that's not a lot of money. Wouldn't support it on Patreon for $10  monthly, but  $10 for a game that is slowly being finished and provides probably  5 hours of content (when I bought it) isn't bad at all.

As far as I know, there's only one gay character in the game (your character is presumably bisexual) so there's probably not much

I don't disagree with point 2, but this seems like a parody game and they seem to be parodying the point and click games of the 90s (the Monkey Island games in particular)

This is really real done (and hot), but it's also very complicated with branches. Is there a walkthrough?

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It would be nice if you could be more specific with the "LGBTQ+ content" and toggle.   I like the L part, but am not interested in the rest.

I've definitely gotten my money's worth so far, but the priorities of what has been done  seems odd. Like the sex scenes  are very bare bones (basically just animations you choose from a drop down box) but instead of making them more developed, you added a space shooter segment?