Try double clicking her when you see her very fast?? Idk I haven’t gotten the alt ending myself though. She’ll probably be in the toy box
no problem ;)
Congrats! That's the true ending!
Oh hello Gizley! I have seen your video and you really helped me out! Thanks a lot <3
Ohhhhh... That's the alternate ending... There is a actual secret ending apparently tho
When the cup is over her head, don't do ANYTHING. Just leave the ball alone :)
Hi Materwelons! I can’t find the secret ending... is it possible you could give me instructions for it? Just not what happens pls ;P
how?? Can you tell me how to get it? But not what happens pls
The true ending is kinda hard to get if you don’t know the code but when she’s asking you to escape, the hearts are clickable... click 44132
when the cup is over her head, she’ll get angry, then you have to find her, but she’s REALLY quiet, so careful. This will give you the alternate ending if you find her, but if she finds YOU, you’ll get another “good ending”
if you’re confused I have a pic here
yes, it has something to do with it, the ending’s called “true ending”
Nothing, sorry
when trying to escape, click 44132