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Discord Bot Jam

A member registered May 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Quite an interesting bot. I found the controls a bit difficult and annoying. The command to add a number to the field was a bit difficult to use. Took me too long to find the coordinate of the field I wanted to play. 

Very fun bot! Really easy and intuitive controls. Friends of mine were able to understand the game without reading the instruction. 

sorry, had school... the theme is Pets

The link does not work, the bot is not online, and the source code is not visible for Mac users

The link does not work, the bot is not online, and the source code is not visible for Mac users

The link does not work, the bot is not online, and the source code is not visible for Mac users



(1 edit)

Status: Not Fixed

Category: Gameplay

The Bug: game doesn’t load on clicking the button

Steps to reproduce: die in easy mode, then click on normal, not sure if it works with other game modes 

Observed Behavior: the black fade stops after being nearly completed and then goes back to the main menu. 

The sprites get buggy after around 900 points. The lasers don’t shoot fluently like before and the rocks stop multiplying, they just shrink with the flash

Hey! Sorry for the deley :( I had school and kinda just forgot about the jam

search for it here 


ik this was 50 days ago, but News is also Economy

Too bad, I am sure some creative people could create a TAS if the source code would be publik, not saying it should be. Anyway, here is the link

Love the game! I am looking forward to this update. Since there is a speed running community, I wanted to ask if there was a way you could maybe add a Replay system, or a sort of built in TAS - slowing down the game for more precision. 

Anyway, love the game and keep up the good work!

How does that make a difference?

Doesn't work on mac, can someone help me please?

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted the game to be mobile friendly, that is why you just have to aim. 

Love it!

Ohh that is what those other ABCDRF… thingies are - I got A

(1 edit)

ohh… that ending is not really what i expected… pog

time to speedrun


Wait, so it isn't a bug??

Love theGame! I am currently stuck on what to do after you get the Pinecone - Found a bug tho where you can through the cone a bit off centered of a door, and then press W and E at the same time to go through with the Pinecone

Hope you enjoy the 48 hours version!

Yes, I know the issues this game has, honestly, I didn't give to much effort into it. I had school problems and this is the first game I submit to a jam. If there will be a next time, it wont be trash

The wall jumping is janky and there is werid collision with the spikes, you really need to allign yourself perfectly to get over the spikes. Also would recomend a level select screen

Please change the second background from brite neon green to a darker colour