This and Sensei Overnight are the 2 VNs that I check basically weekly at this point. Great job man, the story has me completely hooked. Keep it up
Recent community posts
As of 0.12, and from here on spoilers for anyone reading, the only 2 charactrs with missable events are Hana and Tami. For Tami, if you reject her at the blind date thing and then again when she tries to confirm, you miss one event. For Hana, if you choose "forgive and forget" at the spa event, you'll miss pretty much all her events, except like 2. "I need someting from you" will eventually reasult in a more... dynamic relationship.
As for the other events, there's an in game guide that imo is pretty good at informing you without outright giving you the answer. Just click "toggle hints" on the events menu and turn them on. It's the same with all the characters. If you've already fulfilled all the requests for an event, explore a bit. Maybe they'll trigger on their own on a certain day of the week, or maybe a special interaction will appear that wasn't there before
Enjoy the game, good luck
This game is often compared to LiL, but I think it has what that game desperately lacks: an actually likable protagonist. Everythin about Sensei just pisses me off to no extent, to the point where it makes it hard to play. Janu, on the other hand, is great. He feels more human and less edgy. As for the latest version, what a great update, mate. That last event is just amazing. I'm really curious to see what'll happen with A**u in the future, she has so much potential. Keep up the good work, as always
Just finished 0.7.0 and let me tell you, I'm in love with this game and have been since downloading it on 0.4.0. There's just one small issue I've found with the latest update. After you finish all the content, you get to go about your normal routine on weekdays. On weekends, however, the game always loops the 'Four Teen GIrls and their Teacher Travel to Okakri' and the train event, "kicks" you out to the menu and you start again, all that jazz. Then, you go by the week normally again, repeat ad infinitum. Otherwise, keep up the good work, Pers0nas, you beatiful man... woman... bird creature...